Happy Saturday to my Hale's Angels. Wishing you a great weekend. I'm back to doing my blogs. I purposedly waited too start it back up again today..to show love and respect to my beautiful sister, Carol. Its been 11 years today..and its still as painful as the day itself. However, this day is a little different..as its the first time since that it has fallen back on a Saturday. With that said..I'd like to share with you what I call.."The Carol Experience". Enjoy your day. I will post a new blog tomorrow..
To this day..I remember the Saturday morning when I got the call from my mother..crying and screaming on the other end of the phone. Still moves me. What I also remember is the Friday night prior to Carol passing. This is "The Carol Experience"..
Mellany (ex-wife) and I went with Kerry (friend) to Bahama Freeze the night before Carol passed. I had not talked or seen Carol in over a week..which was a normal thing. No biggee. Later in the night, Kerry ran into a friend and thee friend. Mellany and I did a double-take..and both of us agreed..that thee friend was Carol made over. She looked like Carol..and even smoked like Carol. Of course, we told her the similarities she had with my sister. We probably hung out for 30 minutes with some small talk..then she was gone. Saturday morning came and went. Some time later in that Saturday..it hit me. I was able to "see and speak with Carol" one more time before she passed. The girl that crossed my path the night before..the girl who looked and gestured like Carol..was my last opportunity to "speak" with my sister. I shared this story with my parents and those who attended the funeral. I truly believed that it was meant to be. Approximately one month later, I see this girl again at a club. She recognized me..as I did her. I shared the "Carol Experience" with her. We sat down to talk about it..and hugged and cried together for 10 minutes. It was so surreal. We both were convinced that our paths were meant to cross..as she was allowed to let me see Carol through her. Its a crazy story..but a moment in time that I will never forget. I have not seen this girl since..and don't really need too. She helped with my emotions at that time..and made me realized that Carol is in a better place..and that she wanted to see her big brother those last two times.
I believe in the gift of faith. Just reach out your hand..and I'll give you mine.
Peace out my HALE YUNNS!