Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Kevin Hale/Hale Yeah Press Conference..

Greetings to the HALE'S ANGELS.  Hope everyone is doing well.  This next blog has been in the making for a few weeks.  With all the posts that I do on my wall..and my blogs..I'll get responses or questions that I generally find enlightening and/or entertaining.  Sometimes, I'll get asked the same questions and answer accordingly. Sometimes the same question gets a different answer based on the moment.  However I got to thinking.  What if I held a press conference and answered some of your questions?!?!?!?  So...this blog is going to be, what I think, a transcript of a presser that I would hold for the "media". 

This is not an ego thing..its strictly for entertainment purposes.  However, the questions will be ones that have been recently asked of me...and the answers will be honest and sincere.

K..lets have some fun.

OK..Kevin Hale is approaching the podium..and is about ready to take questions from the media.  Kevin is also the author of the HALE YEAH Blog.  He's getting situated..and I think we're about ready to begin.
Thank you ladies and gentlemen for attending this impromptu press conference.  I wanted to take the time to answer some of your questions..and hopefully clear the air on a few issues.  Again, thank you for your time.  Lets begin..
Lady sitting in the front row to my left:
Kevin, thanks for taking the time to do this..and for letting me attend.  My first of two questions...why did you start the blog thing?
Good question.  Really, it was about me purging my mind.  I think I have an opinion or idea about most things..and the blog thing is just a way to express myself..in a serious or some type of humorous way..just getting my thoughts across.  In no way do I mean to harm or offend..however, if I do, then so be it.  For the most part..I'm trying to connect with people and hopefully get them to open their mind and think outside the box.  
Same lady sitting in the front row to my left:
Second question..what are you getting out of this?

I don't think I'm really trying to, per se, get anything out of it.  Maybe its the notion that i've connected with someone..and/or simply make them look at things in a different way.  There are times when I'll get feedback that a blog moved them emotionally..whether its laughter or tears.  Thats powerful!  If I can move one's emotions..then I'm flattered..and glad that I wrote the blog.  Next question...you, the gentleman to my right.
Gentleman sitting in the front row to my right:
Its my understanding that no question would be all limits...so here's mine.  Are you gay?
Ha..thought that one would come up.  I've been asked a few times online..so I guess I'll clear the air once and for all.  No..I'm not gay.  Not now..not then..not later.  I'm as straight as an arrow.  Just because I have a soft voice..and soft skin doesn't mean I'm not hetero. I AM hetero..quite.  With that said...do I have gay friends?  Yes.  Do I enjoy hanging out with my gay friends?  Yes.  Does it make me uncomfortable being in their environment?  Absolutely not.  Some of my closest friends I turn to are gay..and I'm quite OK with that.  Here's a line from a song.."I knew he was different in his sexuality..I went to his parties as a straight minority..It never seemed a threat to my masculinity..He only introduced me to a wider reality." 
Without tooting my horn...that's about the confidence I have in me being able to socialize with whoever...respect whoever..and hopefully get the same respect back from whoever.  I'm also confident enough to say that Brad Pitt is a damn good looking man.
I do realize some of this is also about what I write or songs that I post on my Facebook wall.  I have a soft side.  I'm in touch with my inner self.  That doesn't mean I'm craving men..no offense guys. Just being me.
I hope that answers the question.  However, I really do have soft skin..I digress.  Next question..
Lady sitting in the middle:
OK..you say you're not gay.  However, you have been called a "pretty boy".  How do you respond to that comment?
Simple..I take pride in the way I look when I'm out in public.  Trust me..its not the same look I have when I wake up in the morning...or at home hanging with my kids or my doggie.  They are the lucky ones..to see me for who I really am. (laughs)

Seriously, the hair thing...takes me about 15 seconds to do. YES..15 seconds.  I swear. Kids can verify. A dab of gel..and a simple massage of the head..and the hair is done in no more than 15 seconds..really.  From the type I start the shower..to the time I'm ready to leave the house...20 minutes tops.

Do I want to look my best when going out "out"?  Absolutely.  Who doesn't.  However, when I go Krogering..I'll put a ball cap on..backwards..before getting decked out. 

Next question..
Gentleman in the middle:
What do you do for fun..as in YOUR time?
Right now..my Friday nights..during the summer is coed softball.  That's my time..and my time to hang with some close friends.  Been doing that gig for the last 10 years.  Good times. 

My other thing..live music.  I've got friends who play locally and I go see them every chance I get.  That whole atmosphere is just electric.  Good music, good people and of course good beer.  Its just another to hang out with people that you don't see every day.  Good stuff.

Next question..
Lady sitting to my left:
Can you clarify your current personal status?
That's easy.  Just check my Facebook.
Same lady sitting to my left:

We did...it doesn't say.
Oh yeah..there are some things I'd like to keep private.
Same lady sitting to my left:

Are we to take that as you are indeed in a relationship?

OK..for the record..I am not in a relationship.  The last one ended a few months ago (and continued thanks to those who still questioned me about that one).  Right now..my focus is me.  This is one time that it's "all about me".  I mean that in a good way.  I'm trying to find me..and get me going in the right direction.  I've been blessed to get reconnected with those from my past. That's been special.

Are there some more special than others?  Absolutely.  They know who they are.  I can't imagine them not in my life.

I'm also blessed with my core group of friends that I continously lean on for any and everything.  They're the best.  I do enjoy meeting new people..and establishing friendships with them.  You really can never have too many friends.

With all that said..I'm hoping that I am as much of a friend to them as they are too me.  I believe in karma..and really try to practice good karma. 
Same lady sitting to my left:

Will there be another relationship? 
I'm sure there will be. Its just not my immediate need. I feel I'm very forthcoming with everyone who I cross paths with. That's not saying that I have lots of people to chose from..for relationships. Its saying that I'm about having friends..good friends..having fun..and enjoying what life plops in my lap.

When the time comes for the next relationship.."she" and I will know it. 
Thank you all for coming out. I hope this clears up some things. We'll do this again real soon. Thank you.
This concludes Kevin's press conference. We'll see you the next time.  Good night everyone.

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

King James and his circus..

Greetings to all the HALE’S ANGELS on this Saturday afternoon. Hope all is well..and having a good weekend to this point. I’m finally getting around to the LeBron James circus show that went on this past week. Just had to find the right words to sum it up..

Thursday night, his LeBrontourage and ESPN enablers dressed him in a clown suit, topped it with a black hat and turned him into a buffoonish laughingstock and villain.  It had everything you come to expect from Vince McMahon and the WWE.  In one night..James goes from being the 'baby-face' (good guy in rasstlin' terms) to the 'heel' ( bad guy in rasslin' terms).

Will he recover?

For seven years, James seemed to delight in, court and fuel himself with universal adoration and respect. It’s gone now, and it’s not coming back. He’s a hero in Miami, a coward in New York, a spoiled, narcissistic punk most everywhere else.

Cavs fans burned his jersey in the streets. Police protected his house in Akron and a giant “Witness” banner in downtown Cleveland.

Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert eviscerated LeBron’s reputation, telling the Associated Press that James quit in the playoffs, wouldn’t return phone calls or text messages for more than a month and described James’ televised reality-show exit self-promotional and cowardly.
“The Decision,” LeBron’s emotion-free, lovemaking session with Jim Gray, Stu Scott, Mike Wilbon, Jon Barry and Chris Broussard, is something sports fans will never forget.
It was America’s first all-male, PG-13 celebrity sex tape.

The problem is, LeBron’s handlers failed to warn him that sex tapes enhance the careers of female celebrities. The men, unless strapped like Tommy Lee and performing opposite Pamela Anderson, don’t get much bounce or they’re ridiculed.

“I wanted to do what was best for LeBron James,” King James told Wilbon. “What LeBron James was going to do to make him happy.”
Yep, his most memorable speaking line from LeDecision was delivered in third person. He’s a joke, and only the insanely dishonest will defend his performance and the decision to host LeBron-apalooza.

LeBron and Maverick Carter, the King’s right-hand man, actually thought a $2.5 million check to the Boys and Girls Club and online scholarships to the University of Phoenix would clean up this mess, would ease the pain in his hometown.

Can LeBron handle the mental abuse he’s about to endure? Will being reviled energize him the way being revered did?

He’s a target now. The preening and dancing and powder-throwing have a stench, a B.O., as in Bron Owens, the NBA’s Terrell Owens.

No one cares about LeBron giving the advertising dollars from “The Decision” to the Boys and Girls Club. James would’ve been better served cutting a personal check to a Cleveland/Akron charity and informing the Cavs he was leaving immediately after the playoffs.

It appears Dan Gilbert is irate because he realizes LeBron made LeDecision long ago. This whole spectacle was a gigantic tease, a charade. The Cavs‘ offseason approach (draft, free agency, Mike Brown, Danny Ferry) might have been dramatically different had the organization known from the get-go James was leaving.

LeBron owed Gilbert and Cavs fans a heads-up.

“I wanted to do what was best for LeBron James,” he said. “What LeBron James was going to do to make him happy.”
When James announced his decision, he didn’t say he was joining Dwyane Wade, Chris Bosh and the Miami Heat. LeBron said he was going to South Beach.

There’ll be more new baby-mamas than championships.

I know the WWE is so jealous of LeBron's storyline.  McMahon's rasslin' story writers could not have scripted a better storyline for the last few months of James' life.  Last Thursday was like a Wrestlemania press conference.  A very sad day for the NBA..
As a UK basketball fan..I got caught up in the whole glam show with King James showing up at Rupp and being the "Y" in Kentucky for the day.  However, the glam stops when he comes across as being larger than the sport.  To each their own..but I won't lose sleep if he never puts on the BLUE again. 

Share your thoughts!

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

credit: jwhitlock

Sunday, July 4, 2010

My Spiritual Side..Part IV

Greetings to all the HALE'S ANGELS.  Wish you guys nothing but FUN, SUN and SAFETY on this FOURTH.  Wherever you are..live it up and enjoy it with whoever you're with. 

Its been a while since my last blog..but I had some good reasons.  Basically I was taking in everything I was experiencing..with church (yes, I did do a church service..and loved it), friends, reconnecting with people that were important from my past..and simply listening to everything I heard and felt.  Then..I just sync'd it up with some spiritual thinking and feeling..and this is where I'm at right now.

From the outside looking in..

Despite its origins, spirituality is not just a religious idea. We can define anybody who is getting in touch with their spiritual side to be anyone who believes in gaining knowledge, growing and developing within. I feel like I'm more aware to the point of exactitude. I feel I'm able to examine strengths and weaknesses with honesty and without anxiety. I'm accepting myself as unique, capable, flawed, and yet incomplete. Because the perfect person does not exist, spiritual people are not anxious about their imperfections; they are comfortable in their own skin.

The bigger picture..from the inside looking out.

We associate spirituality as a state of harmony with the world. People who are spiritual tend to see themselves as part of the bigger picture. They are happy in the presence of others; they are happy being with themselves. Spirituality can mean different things to people of different faiths. But the essence of spirituality remains the same for all people of the world - a sense of contentment with their position in the world.

When you are feeling spiritual, you can handle pretty much anything. Someone with a keen spiritual side is able to draw strength from any situation or event. You should think of spirituality as the treasure chest of all that is good and vibrant about you. It is, therefore, imperative to be spiritual if you desire any level of personal success. People who are spiritual take a philosophical attitude to things such as change, for they understand that change is essential for growth and development.

The spiritual individual is keenly optimistic and yet realistic. Being spiritual involves getting the balance right between their hopes and desires and skill sets and abilities. As a spiritual individual, you will not become disheartened with negative self appraisal; instead you will see it as an opportunity to improve.

My initial conclusions..

Develop optimism - optimists are self-disciplined and persistent in what they want to achieve in their life. Optimists plan and take action to move forward. They constantly learn about how to get better at their skills. Their self-confidence helps them to look for solutions and leads them to success in their goals. If you are pessimistic it is time you shed your pessimistic attitude and develop optimism in its place. There is no place in the world of success for negative 'tudes. Think about what you can do rather than what you cannot.

This is me as of July 4, 2010.  Give me your two-cents.  Its always welcomed..

Happy Holiday!

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!