Monday, March 29, 2010

Thoughts on Sarah Palin..

After my blog regarding socialism..I got one response about how Sarah Palin is gaining power..and would be a formidable force in the next presidential election.  First off..I thought we were being serious here.  Long story short..she is an idiotic.  And no..thats not a sexist comment..or me belittling a woman.  Just a one-word answer for her. is some long version of that.

Anyone who is truly a fan of Sarah Palin is unreachable. They should be written off. You can't reach them. Sarah Palin is the most unserious person we've ever had on the national stage. She makes "Joe the plumber" look like Aristophanes.  Dan Quayle was leagues ahead of her..and he's not a bright man.  But she does serve a purpose..which is..allows so many Americans to look down on someone..and we need that. We need someone..even people who are not terribly bright can go..I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer but I am smarter than her. Plus..I don't have to write things on my hand.

Regarding her so-called following..first of all..I don't think it's that big a following. In get 12 agitated people and a camera in a's an event. We don't really know what's a big following anymore. There is a "20 percent of this country" that will follow Sarah Palin..this is the hard-core..right-wing base. The TEA baggers..I'm sure there is that element. There's certainly not enough to win any elections. I don't think she is any threat to ever win any election in this country. I do not stay up at night worrying that Sarah Palin will be elected. I don't think the Republicans are that crazy that they would ever nominate someone who is that unqualified. I have to think that if she got close that there are Republicans..and we've seen this already..have come forward to say..this person is not serious. She's not qualified. We can't get behind Sarah Palin.

Regarding her popularity on talk radio..supposedly.  But what is talk radio?  Its become a right-wing thing. What does Rush Limbaugh do for a living? He scares white men as they get into their truck at lunchtime. She's perfect for that.

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Oh no..this is SOCIALISM! OMG..

With the recent Healthcare bill passed into law..and then the government "running" banks and the auto industry..I've heard a lot of people calling for the government to the name of SOCIALISM.  A quote from a friend.."sounds like a push towards socialism to me."  Here's my take..

First of all..its not socialism.  I really don't think most americans have no clue what socialism is. They just know it's something super terrible. First of all..we have socialism already in this does every modern democracy.  Social Security is is the Marine is the US Postal Service..snail mail. Every modern industrialized western democracy is a hybrid with elements of socialism in it. It's not evil. The Democrats had done a rotten job of selling health care. There is a lot of good stuff in that health care..but to have it be let people characterize it as socialism was a big mistake from the beginning.

The Senate bill that was already passed was not that bad.'s not what a lot of people would have liked..but it does cover 30 million more people. You can't get thrown off for a pre-existing condition. It saves money. It does reduce costs.

Medicare is solvent until 2026..that's not a bad start. You can't solve legislation usually in one fell swoop. There's usually a good start..then you go back and you get some more.

People..its not SOCIALISM.  It just comes down to the "people" not being into "Barry" (Barack).  Barry..they're just not into you.

Maybe we need to think about PATRIOTISM more than SOCIALISM.  We need to be more patriotic about something other than war. The people who are blocking health care for the 45,000 americans..who die every year because they're not covered..which is way more than we lose in Iraq and that really patriotic?

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Healthcare making History..

Finally getting around to giving my two-cents on the Historical Healthcare Passing.  You're not going to get a lot of blogs from me regarding my approach is..if we stop voting..will they all go away?  Nonetheless..this Healthcare a good thing.  Here's my take..

For 100 years America has been talking about a national health care system. It almost happened under FDR..and then under Truman..and then Kennedy and Johnson talked about it before Johnson decided on Medicare instead. Nixon tried..and of course Clinton. And finally..after a century..the House passage of the Senate health reform bill just now..219 to 212..means that we’re on the eve of quasi-universal health care for the first time.

First..this isn’t my dream plan..and it’s my understanding that it is weaker than the plan that Nixon pursued in the early 1970s. I would love to see a single payer system..something like Medicare for all. But I also think that this will be a considerable help in two important ways..access and cost control. It looks as if it will provide coverage to 30 million people who otherwise wouldn’t have coverage..and underinsurance will probably be less of a problem as well. As for cost control..we’re beginning to see some steps that should over time curb the rise in health care costs (i.e., the Cadillac tax on insurance plans..even if is less than before..and the research on effectiveness of various interventions). In’s not a masterpiece..but it’s better than what we have now.

To of the winners in this was Nancy Pelosi. We’ve had a series of relatively low-key House speakers in recent years..and she came across as quite forceful in this effort. The health bill wouldn’t have passed without her..and it’s her triumph. Could she end up as one of more historic speakers? Sure..a lot of people don’t like her..but they didn’t like “Czar” Joseph Cannon either.

On the politics of instinct is that it may not be as bad for Democrats as people think. Once it’s clear that black helicopters will not immediately whisk away our children..the outrage may die down a bit..and at least Obama won’t seem ineffectual. But while my hunch is that Democrats won’t take the hit some are expecting..I’m not sure about that. What’s your take on that..from wherever your perch is?

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Two-Cents on Tebow..

The media create more headaches for Tebow than his awkward throwing motion. This week we've learned: 1. Another player may or may not have told Tebow to "shut the (F-bomb) up" before taking the Wonderlic test; 2. One of Tebow's former Florida receivers is happy the Gators will have a "real quarterback" this season.

Allegedly..Tebow wanted to try to have a group prayer ahead of the Wonderlic test. And Urban Meyer melted down on an Orlando reporter after the Orlando Sentinel took a relatively harmless quote and turned it into a negative headline about Tebow.

Tebow denies the Wonderlic story..and he probably doesn't care about the Orlando story.

But this kid is under an unfair microscope. He's getting a different version of the Tiger Woods treatment. We're fascinated by Tebow's perceived image perfection..and we're intent on closely examining how that perception impacts his interactions with everyone..especially his hedonistic peers.

Tebow has a better chance of succeeding as a reality TV show than as an NFL quarterback. And that's not his fault.

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Sad Reality of the World..

I happen to see some news footage of the atrocites in Africa over the weekend.  All of the attacks on villages..the violence..the brutality..the rapes..the sad deaths..the ethnic cleansing of these people.  Its depressing.  An interviewer was talking to some kids who had lost their families.  One boy responded with.."nobody knows whats going to happen tomorrow."  That really stuck with me. was like someone stoled my breath.  You would think these kids should be thinking about their whole life ahead of them..and for them..they can only think of "tomorrow".  He came across as trying to say..he doesn't want the world to be a bad place.  He was trying to be optomistic about things.  Truth is..the boy was only saying what most of us are feeling about the world.

Let this be a reminder of not taking for granted what we have in life.  The proverbial..if you think you have it bad..someone has it worse..always true. I can't help to sometimes reflect on the realities of the world.  Nobody speaks more trues than a child.  To hear or see it from a child's perspective is always enlightening.  Children always want and expect the world to be a good and positive place.  Nobody..especially children..should have to live in a climate of fear everyday.  My heart aches for them.

"time is a river..a silent icy river..pulls us all..running deep..deep and fast enough to get lost down in the flow..thrashing around..tiny lives mean everything"

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Debunking the March Madness/Workplace Myth..

Trying to get back into the groove of writing some blogs..but I've been distracted a bit..MARCH MADNESS.  I love college basketball..and what the tournament stands for. 

The NCAA Tournament got under way this past Thursday..and it's reportedly luring diligent workers away from their desks to manage office pools and watch their favorite the great detriment of the US economy.  The reported speculation about how much the productivity of the US economy suffers during March Madness amounts to nothing more than fuzzy math and hype.

If you believe what you read or hear from the devotion to March Madness could cost employers $4.2 billion or more in lost productivity as workers slip away to check NCAA Tournament scores..participate in office stories about the contests..or avail themselves to CBS' free streaming videocasts of the games on their office computers.

According to reports..businesses would feel the first hit of March Madness on March 15..after the selection committee announced the qualifying teams and workers organized office pools.
The lost production was arrived at $42.8 billion estimate based on an average wage of $18 an hour and over 60 million college basketball fans spending 13.5 minutes online each of the 16 business days from March 15 through April 5..the day of the championship game (something along those lines of numbers).  Some actually report that figure might be conservative! The cost may end up being much higher..since it will now be possible to watch entire games on the Internet.

My take..lost productivity estimates are almost always bogus..especially when they come from attention-seeking professionals who are in the business of increasing productivity. For one thing..the media misjudges the size of the dedicated college hoops audience. In 2005..for instance, the NCAA championship game drew 23.1 million households..according to Nielsen. The year before..only 16.6 million households tuned in to the championship game..which indicates that any so-called fans have only a casual interest in the tournament. Many are happy to tune out the tournament's biggest game if it's a blowout..or if the matchup doesn't interest them. Also, many non-fans and casual fans who participate in office pools experience reduced interest in the tournament as it proceeds and the teams they bet on get knocked out.

In arriving at that lost-productivity estimate, the media doesn't acknowledge that "wasted time" is built into every workday. Workers routinely shop during office hours..take extended coffee to friends on the phone..enjoy long lunches..or gossip around the water cooler.  Trust me..i know these I am one of them.  It's likely that NCAA tourney fans merely reallocate to the games the time they ordinarily waste elsewhere. Trust me..i know these I am one of them.  Likewise..many office workers who don't complete their tasks by the end of the day stay late or take work home. Trust me..i know these I am one of them.  If fans who screw off at work ultimately do their work at home..the alleged "loss" to productivity would be a wash.

Last..the fear that millions of workers will waste time watching the games live for hours at the office is groundless. More than two-thirds of the games are played on weeknights or weekends..when very few employees are stuck behind their work terminals.  My unsolicited advice to the media is to beware of grand estimates..and to anxious supervisors..I counsel you to worry less about how your employees waste time and more about how much they screw off.  Trust me..i know these I am one of them.

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Blame the parents..

This one caught my eye a few weeks ago..but I didn't have the inspiration to share my feelings until the President spoke up.  I'm OK with Barry the President..but he's wrong on this one.

Let's not fire the teachers when students don't learn..let's fire the parents.  Last week President Obama defended the firing of every single teacher in a struggling high school in a poor Rhode Island neighborhood. And the kids were outraged. They said.."Why blame our teachers?" and "Who's President Obama?" I think it was Whitney Houston who said.."I believe that children are our future..teach them well and let them lead the way." And that's the last sound piece of educational advice this country has gotten..from a crack head in the 80s.

Yes..America has found its new "evil" to blame for our crumbling educational system. It's just too easy to blame the teachers..what with their cushy teachers' lounges..their fat-cat salaries..and their absolute authority in deciding who gets a hall pass. We all remember high school..canning the entire faculty is a nationwide revenge fantasy. Take that..Mr. Jones! And guess what? We're chewing gum and no..we didn't bring enough for everybody.

But isn't it convenient that once again it turns out that the problem isn't us..and the fix is something that doesn't require us to change our behavior or spend any money. It's so the bad teachers..hire good ones from some undisclosed location..and hey..while we're at it let's cut taxes more. It's the kind of comprehensive educational solution that could only come from a completely ignorant people.

Firing all the teachers may feel good..we're Americans..kicking people when they're down is what we do..but it's not really their fault. Now..undeniably..there are some bad teachers out there. They don't know the material..they don't make things interesting..they have sex with the same kid every day instead of spreading the love around..but every school has crappy teachers. Yale has crappy teachers..they must..they gave us George Bush.

According to all the doesn't matter what teachers do. Although everyone appreciates foreplay. What matters is what parents do. The number one predictor of a child's academic success is parental involvement. It doesn't even matter if your kid goes to private or public school. So save the twenty grand a year and treat yourself to a nice vacation away from the little bastards.

It's also been proven that just having books in the house makes a huge difference in a child's development. If your home is adorned with nothing but Hummel dolls..DVDs..and bleeding Jesuses..congratulations, you've just given your children the GIFT OF DUH. Sarah Palin said recently she wrote on her hand because her father used to do it. I rest my case.  Sarah Palin..nuff said.

When there are no books in the house..and there are no parents in the know who raises the kids? That's right..THE TELEVISION. Kids aren't keeping up with their studies..they're keeping up with the Kardashians. We're allowing the turn us into a nation of slutty idiots. By the sign your 9-year-old may be watching too much One Tree Hill..if she has an imaginary friend with benefits.
Keep in mind..I am a parent..a proud parent.  I sincerely believe that it starts at home.  When me and the ex have to deal with school issues..we look in the mirror first.  Learned behavior..starts at home.

Peace out to my HALE'S ANGELS!

Monday, March 8, 2010

So Beautiful..

Here's some lyrics and a song that I feel are quite beautiful.  So what if its written and sung by a gay man.  The words are strong..and meant for anyone that makes you feel beautiful.  For your family, lover and/or friends..let them know you appreciate them making you feel beautiful.  I know I'm grateful..

Check out the song by clicking on the title.

Lyrics by DHayes:
Whether I'm right or wrong / There's no phrase that hits / Like an ocean needs the sand / Or a dirty old shoe that fits / And if all the world was perfect / I would only ever want to see your scars / You know they can have their universe / We'll be in the dirt designing stars / And darlin' you know / You make me feel so beautiful / Nowhere else in the world I wanna be / You make me feel so beautiful / Whether I'm up or down / There's no crowd to please / I'm like a faith without a clause to believe in it / And if all the world was smiling / I would only ever want to see your frown / You know they can sail away in sunsets / We'll be right here stranded on the ground / Just happy to be found / You make me feel so beautiful / Nowhere else in the world I wanna be / You make me feel so beautiful / I have lost my illusions / I have drowned in your words /
I have left my confusion to a cynical world / I am throwing myself at things I don't understand / Discover enlightenment holding your hand / You are..So Beautiful / Yeah darlin' you know! / That you make me feel so beautiful

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The View from the other side..

Got wind of an episode of the daytime talk show 'The View' hosted by a group of sophisticated older ladies.  I searched YouTube for the episode..and found it..the one with Robert Pattinson..of the Twilight fame..and doing the promo for his new movie, "Remember Me". 

There are few situations more awkward than having Barbara Walters and Joy Behar chat about your private parts on national television. But Robert Pattinson accepting his hazing by the women of "The View" with quiet grace and a tight smile on Tuesday.

Because that's what male guests of the morning talk show are expected to do when they enter the estrogen-heavy territory of hosts Walters, Behar, Sherri Shepherd, Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Whoopi Goldberg.

The women on the virtue of their age and status into the media world..are able to say and do pretty much what they please..including breaching personal aspects of male guests..and talking to them about things/ideas/notions that would be impermissible if the genders were reversed.

Pattinson allowed 'The View' to spend an a lot of time talking about how he covered..what they referred to as his UNIT..during his sex scenes in his upcoming movie..and granny Barbara Walters asking about his unfortunate "vagina allergy" comments in Details magazine. This was before they asked him..via a "fan email"..if he would ever date an older woman.  The average age of the talk show hosts is case they were hinting at anything.  As my youngest would say..OMG you're freakin' annoying!

I went through YouTube and looked for more "sexy, male guests" on the view..and found these.."You're considered a big sex symbol in Hollywood, the whole's quite stunning I have to tell you" an soaking wet Joy Behar told actor Benicio Del Toro when he graced the women's couch to talk about his upcoming film "Wolfman" last month.

When the cast of "The Jersey Shore" stopped by a couple of weeks ago Behar candidly asked the men from the MTV reality show, "When you have sex on the show do you use condoms?" When Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino answered that he did indeed engage in protected sex..Behar tooked it a step further asking if he even made sure to use one "in the hot tub."  Didn't remember "The Situation's" response..nor did I care.  This will probably be the one and only time I will ever give notice to "The Jersey Shore".  I digress..

Men in the media need to be careful about the things they say to and about women. ESPN suspended "Pardon the Interruption" host Tony Kornheiser last month for two weeks following his 'commenting' of fellow on-air personality Hannah Storm's "unprofessional wardrobe"..wearing skin, tight dresses on the daytime SportsCenter.  To me..a little unprofessional.  HOWEVER, The View's Behar, can ask about prophylactics and other intimate deals.  This is the same group of ladies who ripped John Mayer for talking about his time in the bedroom with OJ Simpson..Oh, Jessica Simpson.  Trust me..I'm no John Mayer fan.  Will never be a John Mayer fan.  Don't own or will ever own a Mayer song.  I digress..

Getting personal..sometimes a little too part of "The View's" shtick. It's what the audience, comprised mainly of middle-aged housewives eats up and one of the reasons they tune in on a daily basis, to live vicariously through these five women, wishing they could smell or touch Robert Pattinson, or tell Benicio Del Toro he is sexy.

"The View" are not playing on the same playing field as "they boys".  They're getting the 'benefit of the doubt'..because they are deemed as classy, tasteful ladies.  Not fair here..dear.  A bunch of bullsh!t..

Peace out to my HALE'S ANGELS!

Credits:  YouTube, The View

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

You Go Girl..

Today's trek of the news brought me to this the title for the info.  We've all that about it..especially the women.  I'm just shocked that I'm just now hearing/seeing this device.  When I first saw the name and the device..I thought to myself..this better not be a device that allows women to pee standing up.  OK, it is..and it's called the GoGirl.  The manufacturer say its much more sanitary than sitting on a public toilet seat.  OK. considered the fact you're walking around with a pissed, soaked funnel.  Just saying.  I know'll wash it first.  But still..

Truth is..we know how cleanly public restrooms are..NOT!  Ladies..I'm 100% for this.  Hey..maybe I'll see you standing next to me at the urinal one evening at the 'club'.  Been a long time when I last talked sports with a lady in the men's restroom.

Check it out ladies.  Tell me what you think.  Nothing is sacred any more..

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Shame and Sorrow..

I came across this story and it grabbed me hard. It was a reminder of the sadness in the world. I didn't get the name of the reporter or spokesman for this story..but this is what he said prior to sharing the news article.."They said the birds refused to sing and the thermometer fell if God himself had his breath stolen away.  No one there dared speak much in shame as in sorrow."

Three mass graves discovered in the sub district of Dubiz in Kirkuk.  “The graves are holding remnants of children from both Chamchamal and Garmyan areas”. Sayd Fazil Amin the head of KRG martyrs office in Kirkuk told ASO, these kids were taken into captivity during 1988 Anfal campaign against the Kurds.  Genocide against the Kurds in the 1980s.  Lost were over 200,000 lives of innocent Kurds.

These kinds of events always question my faith in man..and God.  Why do these kinds of things happen?  Why would kids have to suffer like this?  It's so disheartening that we have to periodically look over our shoulders to make sure all our family is still by us.  Again, nothing hits me more than hearing or seeing a child suffer. 

I can't imagine their last thoughts before and during their deaths.  Were they scared..or still thinking about being kids?  Were they still dreaming of ice cream and monkey bars?  Birthday cakes?  The future of the afternoon?  Or had their innocence been taken along with their lives..buried in the cold earth so long ago?  These fates seem too cruel even for God to allow.  Or are the tragic young born again when the world's not looking? 

I want to believe so a truth beyond on our own..hidden and obscured from all but the most sensitive eyes.  In the endless precession of what cannot and will not be destroyed..I want to believe we are unaware of God's eternal recompense and sadness. That we cannot see His truth. That which is born still lives and cannot be buried in the cold earth, but only waits to be born again at God's order.  Where in ancient starlight we lay in rest.

Got a little religious there.  I had to find the right words as they pertain to God.  I think I found them and found my inner thoughts.  I want to believe..

Peace out HALE'S ANGELS!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Infidelity..the inner monster?

I recently saw an interview with Elizabeth Edwards..wife of former North Carolina Senator John Edwards..however on her way to being former wife.  The topic was the infidelity by John and the struggles and fallout.  With all the issues in Mrs Edwards life, history of cancer and the infidelity ordeal, I sincerely sympathize and empathize with her.  She's a very strong woman who basically took a knife in the back from Johnny boy.  Infidelity is a serious issue.  You lose faith and trust with your significant other.  It creates all kinds of problems.  Nuff said.  HOWEVER, one of the things that Elizabeth called John..and what some other woman have called their spouses who do the MONSTER.  No..No..No.  I've got this thing with the media and america, and how they exaggerate issues.  Its a peeve when I hear someone say.."you ALWAYS do that!" or "you NEVER do this!"  Infidelity is a very common thing in america.  But to label these people as MONSTERS..that's a little excessive.

Don't get me wrong..John Edwards is the Charlie Sheen of politics.  John is a sleazy character..which is a prerequisite for a politician.  Good ole karma will come into play..and Johnny Boy will get his.  Trust me..been there done that.  But to use the term 'monster'?  No.  Nor, are most men who do the infidelity thing.  America needs to get a grip about infidelity.  Saddam Hussein was a monster.  Chemical Ali was a monster.  Ted Bundy was a monster.  Infidelity is about middle-age men being horny..not monsters.

I'd like to know what you think..

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

The Tonight Show..

..with Jay Leno is back tonight.  The drama that went down prior to the Olympics regarding Jay versus Conan..won by majority decision for Jay..allows the former to become the current once again.  There was a lot of grief pointed at Jay for being too selfish..for not allowing Conan to have the opportunity to succeed.  This was about the "POWERS THAT BE" making a decision based on "DOLLARS and SENSE".  Jay's new primetime show..the weekly thing at 10:00p failed.  The Tonight Show with Conan was failing.  A changed had to be made.  This was about NBC making a call for Jay to return..not Jay bouncing Conan out of the iconic seat.

For as long as I can remember..the Tonight Show has been a fixture for late night america..for comedy, music and/or a night light to fall asleep with.  Jay is under contract with NBC..therefore, complying with NBC's wishes.  Conan wasn't cutting it.  NBC decided it was time to bring back the 'first string' to right the ship.

People are saying that Jay is being selfish and greedy..and is not doing the right thing by taking the Tonight Show throne back.  I think Oprah said that Jay was "ruining Conan's dream".  I disagree.  This is show business people.  Truth is both guys want the job.  Jay's not ruining Conan's dream.  When Leo gets a lead in a movie..does Leo's lose sleep if Brad didn't get the part.  Is Leo ruining Brad's dream?  Are you going to lose sleep as you move up the corporate ladder..and "Joe in Accounting" slips behind you for his dream job?  It's life.  When you get your have to make the most of it.  NBC didn't think Conan was making here we go Jay.  Don't be surprised to see Team Coco sport the shirts..."Jay is not OK"

The late night wars resume tonight..

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!