Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Kevin Hale/Hale Yeah Press Conference..

Greetings to the HALE'S ANGELS.  Hope everyone is doing well.  This next blog has been in the making for a few weeks.  With all the posts that I do on my wall..and my blogs..I'll get responses or questions that I generally find enlightening and/or entertaining.  Sometimes, I'll get asked the same questions and answer accordingly. Sometimes the same question gets a different answer based on the moment.  However I got to thinking.  What if I held a press conference and answered some of your questions?!?!?!?  So...this blog is going to be, what I think, a transcript of a presser that I would hold for the "media". 

This is not an ego thing..its strictly for entertainment purposes.  However, the questions will be ones that have been recently asked of me...and the answers will be honest and sincere.

K..lets have some fun.

OK..Kevin Hale is approaching the podium..and is about ready to take questions from the media.  Kevin is also the author of the HALE YEAH Blog.  He's getting situated..and I think we're about ready to begin.
Thank you ladies and gentlemen for attending this impromptu press conference.  I wanted to take the time to answer some of your questions..and hopefully clear the air on a few issues.  Again, thank you for your time.  Lets begin..
Lady sitting in the front row to my left:
Kevin, thanks for taking the time to do this..and for letting me attend.  My first of two questions...why did you start the blog thing?
Good question.  Really, it was about me purging my mind.  I think I have an opinion or idea about most things..and the blog thing is just a way to express myself..in a serious or some type of humorous way..just getting my thoughts across.  In no way do I mean to harm or offend..however, if I do, then so be it.  For the most part..I'm trying to connect with people and hopefully get them to open their mind and think outside the box.  
Same lady sitting in the front row to my left:
Second question..what are you getting out of this?

I don't think I'm really trying to, per se, get anything out of it.  Maybe its the notion that i've connected with someone..and/or simply make them look at things in a different way.  There are times when I'll get feedback that a blog moved them emotionally..whether its laughter or tears.  Thats powerful!  If I can move one's emotions..then I'm flattered..and glad that I wrote the blog.  Next question...you, the gentleman to my right.
Gentleman sitting in the front row to my right:
Its my understanding that no question would be all limits...so here's mine.  Are you gay?
Ha..thought that one would come up.  I've been asked a few times online..so I guess I'll clear the air once and for all.  No..I'm not gay.  Not now..not then..not later.  I'm as straight as an arrow.  Just because I have a soft voice..and soft skin doesn't mean I'm not hetero. I AM hetero..quite.  With that said...do I have gay friends?  Yes.  Do I enjoy hanging out with my gay friends?  Yes.  Does it make me uncomfortable being in their environment?  Absolutely not.  Some of my closest friends I turn to are gay..and I'm quite OK with that.  Here's a line from a song.."I knew he was different in his sexuality..I went to his parties as a straight minority..It never seemed a threat to my masculinity..He only introduced me to a wider reality." 
Without tooting my horn...that's about the confidence I have in me being able to socialize with whoever...respect whoever..and hopefully get the same respect back from whoever.  I'm also confident enough to say that Brad Pitt is a damn good looking man.
I do realize some of this is also about what I write or songs that I post on my Facebook wall.  I have a soft side.  I'm in touch with my inner self.  That doesn't mean I'm craving men..no offense guys. Just being me.
I hope that answers the question.  However, I really do have soft skin..I digress.  Next question..
Lady sitting in the middle:
OK..you say you're not gay.  However, you have been called a "pretty boy".  How do you respond to that comment?
Simple..I take pride in the way I look when I'm out in public.  Trust me..its not the same look I have when I wake up in the morning...or at home hanging with my kids or my doggie.  They are the lucky ones..to see me for who I really am. (laughs)

Seriously, the hair thing...takes me about 15 seconds to do. YES..15 seconds.  I swear. Kids can verify. A dab of gel..and a simple massage of the head..and the hair is done in no more than 15 seconds..really.  From the type I start the shower..to the time I'm ready to leave the house...20 minutes tops.

Do I want to look my best when going out "out"?  Absolutely.  Who doesn't.  However, when I go Krogering..I'll put a ball cap on..backwards..before getting decked out. 

Next question..
Gentleman in the middle:
What do you do for fun..as in YOUR time?
Right now..my Friday nights..during the summer is coed softball.  That's my time..and my time to hang with some close friends.  Been doing that gig for the last 10 years.  Good times. 

My other thing..live music.  I've got friends who play locally and I go see them every chance I get.  That whole atmosphere is just electric.  Good music, good people and of course good beer.  Its just another to hang out with people that you don't see every day.  Good stuff.

Next question..
Lady sitting to my left:
Can you clarify your current personal status?
That's easy.  Just check my Facebook.
Same lady sitting to my left:

We did...it doesn't say.
Oh yeah..there are some things I'd like to keep private.
Same lady sitting to my left:

Are we to take that as you are indeed in a relationship?

OK..for the record..I am not in a relationship.  The last one ended a few months ago (and continued thanks to those who still questioned me about that one).  Right now..my focus is me.  This is one time that it's "all about me".  I mean that in a good way.  I'm trying to find me..and get me going in the right direction.  I've been blessed to get reconnected with those from my past. That's been special.

Are there some more special than others?  Absolutely.  They know who they are.  I can't imagine them not in my life.

I'm also blessed with my core group of friends that I continously lean on for any and everything.  They're the best.  I do enjoy meeting new people..and establishing friendships with them.  You really can never have too many friends.

With all that said..I'm hoping that I am as much of a friend to them as they are too me.  I believe in karma..and really try to practice good karma. 
Same lady sitting to my left:

Will there be another relationship? 
I'm sure there will be. Its just not my immediate need. I feel I'm very forthcoming with everyone who I cross paths with. That's not saying that I have lots of people to chose from..for relationships. Its saying that I'm about having friends..good friends..having fun..and enjoying what life plops in my lap.

When the time comes for the next relationship.."she" and I will know it. 
Thank you all for coming out. I hope this clears up some things. We'll do this again real soon. Thank you.
This concludes Kevin's press conference. We'll see you the next time.  Good night everyone.

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

King James and his circus..

Greetings to all the HALE’S ANGELS on this Saturday afternoon. Hope all is well..and having a good weekend to this point. I’m finally getting around to the LeBron James circus show that went on this past week. Just had to find the right words to sum it up..

Thursday night, his LeBrontourage and ESPN enablers dressed him in a clown suit, topped it with a black hat and turned him into a buffoonish laughingstock and villain.  It had everything you come to expect from Vince McMahon and the WWE.  In one night..James goes from being the 'baby-face' (good guy in rasstlin' terms) to the 'heel' ( bad guy in rasslin' terms).

Will he recover?

For seven years, James seemed to delight in, court and fuel himself with universal adoration and respect. It’s gone now, and it’s not coming back. He’s a hero in Miami, a coward in New York, a spoiled, narcissistic punk most everywhere else.

Cavs fans burned his jersey in the streets. Police protected his house in Akron and a giant “Witness” banner in downtown Cleveland.

Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert eviscerated LeBron’s reputation, telling the Associated Press that James quit in the playoffs, wouldn’t return phone calls or text messages for more than a month and described James’ televised reality-show exit self-promotional and cowardly.
“The Decision,” LeBron’s emotion-free, lovemaking session with Jim Gray, Stu Scott, Mike Wilbon, Jon Barry and Chris Broussard, is something sports fans will never forget.
It was America’s first all-male, PG-13 celebrity sex tape.

The problem is, LeBron’s handlers failed to warn him that sex tapes enhance the careers of female celebrities. The men, unless strapped like Tommy Lee and performing opposite Pamela Anderson, don’t get much bounce or they’re ridiculed.

“I wanted to do what was best for LeBron James,” King James told Wilbon. “What LeBron James was going to do to make him happy.”
Yep, his most memorable speaking line from LeDecision was delivered in third person. He’s a joke, and only the insanely dishonest will defend his performance and the decision to host LeBron-apalooza.

LeBron and Maverick Carter, the King’s right-hand man, actually thought a $2.5 million check to the Boys and Girls Club and online scholarships to the University of Phoenix would clean up this mess, would ease the pain in his hometown.

Can LeBron handle the mental abuse he’s about to endure? Will being reviled energize him the way being revered did?

He’s a target now. The preening and dancing and powder-throwing have a stench, a B.O., as in Bron Owens, the NBA’s Terrell Owens.

No one cares about LeBron giving the advertising dollars from “The Decision” to the Boys and Girls Club. James would’ve been better served cutting a personal check to a Cleveland/Akron charity and informing the Cavs he was leaving immediately after the playoffs.

It appears Dan Gilbert is irate because he realizes LeBron made LeDecision long ago. This whole spectacle was a gigantic tease, a charade. The Cavs‘ offseason approach (draft, free agency, Mike Brown, Danny Ferry) might have been dramatically different had the organization known from the get-go James was leaving.

LeBron owed Gilbert and Cavs fans a heads-up.

“I wanted to do what was best for LeBron James,” he said. “What LeBron James was going to do to make him happy.”
When James announced his decision, he didn’t say he was joining Dwyane Wade, Chris Bosh and the Miami Heat. LeBron said he was going to South Beach.

There’ll be more new baby-mamas than championships.

I know the WWE is so jealous of LeBron's storyline.  McMahon's rasslin' story writers could not have scripted a better storyline for the last few months of James' life.  Last Thursday was like a Wrestlemania press conference.  A very sad day for the NBA..
As a UK basketball fan..I got caught up in the whole glam show with King James showing up at Rupp and being the "Y" in Kentucky for the day.  However, the glam stops when he comes across as being larger than the sport.  To each their own..but I won't lose sleep if he never puts on the BLUE again. 

Share your thoughts!

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

credit: jwhitlock

Sunday, July 4, 2010

My Spiritual Side..Part IV

Greetings to all the HALE'S ANGELS.  Wish you guys nothing but FUN, SUN and SAFETY on this FOURTH.  Wherever you are..live it up and enjoy it with whoever you're with. 

Its been a while since my last blog..but I had some good reasons.  Basically I was taking in everything I was experiencing..with church (yes, I did do a church service..and loved it), friends, reconnecting with people that were important from my past..and simply listening to everything I heard and felt.  Then..I just sync'd it up with some spiritual thinking and feeling..and this is where I'm at right now.

From the outside looking in..

Despite its origins, spirituality is not just a religious idea. We can define anybody who is getting in touch with their spiritual side to be anyone who believes in gaining knowledge, growing and developing within. I feel like I'm more aware to the point of exactitude. I feel I'm able to examine strengths and weaknesses with honesty and without anxiety. I'm accepting myself as unique, capable, flawed, and yet incomplete. Because the perfect person does not exist, spiritual people are not anxious about their imperfections; they are comfortable in their own skin.

The bigger picture..from the inside looking out.

We associate spirituality as a state of harmony with the world. People who are spiritual tend to see themselves as part of the bigger picture. They are happy in the presence of others; they are happy being with themselves. Spirituality can mean different things to people of different faiths. But the essence of spirituality remains the same for all people of the world - a sense of contentment with their position in the world.

When you are feeling spiritual, you can handle pretty much anything. Someone with a keen spiritual side is able to draw strength from any situation or event. You should think of spirituality as the treasure chest of all that is good and vibrant about you. It is, therefore, imperative to be spiritual if you desire any level of personal success. People who are spiritual take a philosophical attitude to things such as change, for they understand that change is essential for growth and development.

The spiritual individual is keenly optimistic and yet realistic. Being spiritual involves getting the balance right between their hopes and desires and skill sets and abilities. As a spiritual individual, you will not become disheartened with negative self appraisal; instead you will see it as an opportunity to improve.

My initial conclusions..

Develop optimism - optimists are self-disciplined and persistent in what they want to achieve in their life. Optimists plan and take action to move forward. They constantly learn about how to get better at their skills. Their self-confidence helps them to look for solutions and leads them to success in their goals. If you are pessimistic it is time you shed your pessimistic attitude and develop optimism in its place. There is no place in the world of success for negative 'tudes. Think about what you can do rather than what you cannot.

This is me as of July 4, 2010.  Give me your two-cents.  Its always welcomed..

Happy Holiday!

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Today for Terry..

Happy Wednesday to all my ANGELS.  Today has a special place in my heart.  One of my bestest buddies for life..Terry Cunningham..would be celebrating his 41st birthday.  Sadly for us..he was gone too soon.  Terry died in August 2006 after battling cancer. 

Terry had one of the biggest impacts on my life.  It was always fun and entertaining with him.  A night out with Terry..club'n, picnic'n or some sport event..was going to be an experience.  I have to admit..before Terry came along..I had a bit of a shy side (yes, I really did).  That went out the window quick..as Terry just made you go with it.  Life was good and fun with that cat.  I miss him every day!

Prior to the time of his passing..I was not able to spend much time with him.  Some of it was out of respect for what he was going through..allowing his family total access to him.  Some was a busy schedule on my part.  And some was simply thinking he was going to beat this...and we'd pick up right where we left off.  Was I wrong.  And I've regretted the lack of time we spent together prior to his passing. 

I think I've made my peace with the RiverCity Redneck..as he would like to call himself.  His classic line to me..."Kevin, I bet there ain't a redneck bone in your body?"  Me.."No, there's not."  Terry.."Want one?"  He knows what he means to me...and I know I'm cool with him.  Miss you, Terry.

I want to share with you a blog that his fiance' put together at the time of his passing.  You can read my comments following hers.


For those who don't know yet, Terry fought for 18 hours off the vent and we lost him at 6:39 AM on August 24th.(Nashville time). Funeral arrangments will be held at Bosse Funeral Home on 1355 Ellison Ave. at Barret. Visitation will be Sunday from noon to 8pm and Monday from 9:00 am to 1:00pm with a service at 1:00. In keeping with Terry's wishes, while anyone who knows him will be mourning, Terry wanted his funeral to be a party.....so were asking everyone to come celebrate his life- not his death. Bring your Terry attitude, your Terry stories, and your Terry memorabilia. Keep the blogs coming, these are great for all who love him and for his girls to read when the age is right. Words can't express how deeply they touch me! Thank you!


posted by Topline at 12:10 PM on Aug 25, 2006

Kevin Hale said...

It's Sunday evening (8/27). I was able to spend time at the funeral home with Terry's family and friends. Lots of laughs...lots of tears...lots of stories. It's incredible to actually see what kind of impact Terry had on us.

As I sit here writing this...I'm going through a lot of emotions. I'm hurting, confused, feelings of guilt, lots of things that made me realized that I should have been there for him so much more than I was. Truth is...I really thought this was going to pass...that he would beat and win this like other challenges in his life. I'm hurting so much now because I kind of took this thing for granted. How could one of my best friends...probably the most passionate guy..who lived life to it's fullest..fall to an illness? I'm going to struggle for a long time knowing that I should/could have been with him more the last few months...only to think that he would be back to his self in no time.

Fortunately, the family allowed me to spend last Wednesday (8/23) with him (and them) in Nashville. I remember walking into the room...and hearing him say (in my my mind) "where have you been? what took you so long?" I walked over to his side, kissed his head, kneeled down, held his hand, and cried...telling him how much I loved him and that I was sorry for not holding my end of the friendship. I can only hope that he heard me, felt me with him and forgave me. I genuinely loved and cared for him...like no other friend.

Terry, there have been so many things that we shared during our time together. Softball games, our "rasslin" show (the Rivercity Redneck will live on), the weekends, lots of good times. I cherish them all.

To my hero...lots of love,



CLICK THE TITLE to view Heather's blogs..

To this day..the first beer at every picnic..I toast to him.  Happy Birthday, Terry!

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

World Cup..half full or half empty?

Happy Tuesday to the ANGELS.  Hope all is well in the VILLE.  It is hotter than HELLo here.  The song says..SOME LIKE IT HOT.  Guess I'll take it over the cold and snow.  Stay cool my fellow ANGELS.

I'm taking a break from my spirituality blogs..and chatting about this world event going on known as the FIFA WORLD CUP.  The World Cup is like the Superbowl of soccer.  Its the grand stage for the most popular sport in the world...WORLD, not USA. 


I have to admit..I've never been a soccer guy or fan.  Never have..never will.  However..I did enjoy watching Claire and Mason during their soccer days.  It was fun to watch.  Mason actually looked pretty cool running up and down the field with his hair flopping.  I know the girls dug that.  I digress..

Again..the World Cup event going on has been a main event for ESPN.  Their programming appears to be covering the event pretty good.  As I said earlier..this is theee SUPERBOWL for soccer.  With that said..I just don't get it.

I can't relate to any sport that accepts a tie.  Maybe at the kid level..but surely not at the pro level.  Yeah, there can be ties in football...but not the playoffs or Superbowl.  SO..with soccer commanding the world's stage..why would soccer allow ties to occur within the world cup games.  Makes no sense.  I can accept little to no scoring.  I respect the players for their defensive efforts.  But to let a game end in a tie..i don't "FRICKIN" get it.  Then again..nor do I want too.

If soccer wants to grab to casual to novice fan...give me a "FRICKIN" winner.  Throw me a bone..


I feel better now..

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Monday, June 14, 2010

My Spiritual Side..Part III

Happy Monday to my ANGELS. Hope everyone’s week has started well…and the rest of the week looks promising. Had a great weekend with the kiddos, family and friends of the family. We did the graduation party thing for Kelsey yesterday. It was a good time.

I’m continuing with my spirituality path…and kinda got sidetracked over the weekend. I had planned to visit a local church Saturday and just take it all in. That got postponed…as I needed to focus my time with the kids and the weekend plans for Kelsey. However, I plan to do the church thing next Saturday. I am really into taking this path…and see where it leads me.

Since I missed the church thing Saturday, I found myself tuning into “church shows” Sunday morning…and just shook my head during most of it.

I do believe some of the shows/preachers messages come from a good place…however, I can’t help to think I’m listening to a “sales pitch”…and to someone who thinks they are larger than life. From the few shows I watched…these were some of my thoughts.
Am I listening to a self proclaimed messiah…or maybe a blasphemes liar?
Am I witnessing some kind of clever hypnotic hoax?
Am I listening to someone speaking in distorted truths?
In no way am I saying that there is no God…or that he’s just a clever man's charade. But if I continued to watch these shows…then I would to start to wonder if God made man or man made God?

Bottom line…I can’t rely on TV for my spiritual growth. I couldn’t shut my mind off enough to listen. It just seemed so phony. I’ll resume my spiritual walk...and keep working on listening and not be so judgmental.

Tell me something I don’t know. Please tell me..

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My spiritual side..Part II

Happy Wednesday evening to all my ANGELS. We're officially past the half way point of the week...so it's all good. I'm continuing MY SPIRITUAL SIDE blog that was previously posted. After chatting and doing some reading...one thing is for DAMN SURE. I need to steer clear of negativity...and those who live the cynical life...at least till I find me.

For the record...I think my "friend base" is more of the positive people than negative. I do know of some who bleed cynicism on a daily basis. So today’s blog is about the CYNICAL F*CKS…and how I perceive them. If you’re a RAY OF SUNSHINE on a daily basis…skip the rest of this blog. If you think that it LOOKS LIKE RAIN most days…you might want to continue and see if the shoe fits.

If you think the following...I would suspect you to be of the CYNICAL nature:

  • today don't look so bad...compared to tomorrow
  • the good ol' days...weren't always that much better
  • whatever you do...someone's done it first
  • if you can't take it with you...then what's the use
  • looks like my brighter side...has gotten a bit darker
  • i must have stepped over my four leaf clover
  • someone drank my half-filled cup of water
Cynical???  Probably so...pretty damn sure so.  You guys need more love in your life.  Life, emotion and an open-mind are the first steps in nurturing your spiritual side...so I'm to understand.

My thinking...advice...live your day to its fullest.  Show some emotion during the day.  It really is OK to cry.  Purge yourself.  As they say in sports...leave it all on the playing field.  Until you see a u-haul on the back of a hearse...its a safe bet you can't take it to the next life.  Until then...I'm really trying to steer clear of you guys.  No offense.  I've been there and done that.  I'm just ready to do more..

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

My spiritual side..Part I

Happy Early Wednesday morning to all my ANGELS.  Hope all is well as we enter the middle of the week.  This blog is going to touch on a side of me that I know exists...but am really interested in pursuing more of it.  I'm talking about my spiritual side. 

In the past 10 years...I've dealt with personal losses.  Lost family and friends...and often found myself asking why?  I also questioned my faith...and my spirituality.  In God I do trust...but during the early part of the last 10 years...I tend to fear Him more than I believed in Him.  I oftened wanted the world to stop spinning around just so I could get off. I've come around a lot lately...and ready to take the next steps to finding out more of me and how I tick. 

I've had some conversations with those who I know are "full of it"...spirituality, that is.  And I mean that in a good way.  Here's my quick thinking of how I do this..

Getting in touch with your spiritual side involves examining your strengths and weaknesses with honesty.

This should enable me to develop within, by accepting myself as unique and capable, yet not anxious about my imperfections. It should make me feel comfortable in my own skin.

Spirituality is associated with peace and harmony.

My take…spiritual people tend to be content and happy in the presence of others and comfortable being with themselves.

Someone with a keen spiritual side is able to handle pretty much anything. They draw strength from any situation or event, in their desire for personal success and for growth and development.

The spiritual person is realistic in life yet optimistic. It is important to get the right balance between your hopes and desires and using your skills and abilities as an opportunity to improve yourself.

Planning ahead and being self-disciplined and persistent in what I want to achieve in my life improves self-confidence. This in turn should help me find solutions which should lead success. Avoiding negative thoughts and instead think about what I can do rather than what I cannot do...be positive!

The one that I know must happen...is for me to simply shut up and listen. Be open-minded to what is being said..and see how the words/thoughts can be incorporated into my life.  I will officially begin the quest Saturday, June 12 (thanks MK).  I'm going to embark on a notion and run with it.

Stay tuned.

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Been there..done that..in a whole new way of thinking.

Happy Saturday to all my ANGELS.  Its another warm day..but fun is in the air.  Going to get out and enjoy some time with friends and my daughter Claire at a local church picnic.  The true way to identify that summer is here.  In the mean time..sitting here surfing the TV channels and something got me to thinking about the notion of a past life.  Here's my two-cents..

Many people believe they have lived before..their soul has lived and died in other physical bodies. You may even believe your past lives influence your present life. Do you believe you have earned your current circumstances with previous behavior? Do you intuit karmic credits and deficits that shape you? What can you discern from your soul?

If you sense time isn't linear or chronological, you may choose to view it as a spiral or infinite. If so, you may sense it surrounds you with everything happening simultaneously. You begin to understand how different kinds of information can be accessed and reviewed where you are. Learning then takes exciting twists and turns.

Some people believe karma is created and influenced with each action. It isn't necessarily a punishment for things you did in this life or others. What if you could alter the nature of your karma by regressing back and healing or resolving things? You would then sense value in each reflection. If you were to delve into what seem to be your past lives, this may offer you proof of reincarnation. Is it time to test yourself or, open your mind wider?

Exploring your views may trigger dreams that begin to unlock past life memories. Objects and symbols that stand out in dreams can also begin to uncover clues related to past identities. Would you be willing to learn more about who you are?  YES for me.

Let me know your thoughts..

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

From Perfection to Imperfection in a blink of an eye..

Happy Thursday to all my ANGELS.  Hope you are having a good week.  Its been good for me.  Got to see my Kelsey graduate yesterday.  Not to get to emotional..but it was a good day for Kelsey, her mom and dad, siblings and the rest of the family that attended.  Very nice Kels..

One of my daily passions is the world of sports.  One of my faves is baseball.  Last night..in what was to be the 21st ever perfect game thrown by a pitcher..was taken away from him in a split second.  As the pitcher was running to cover first place on a ground ball to the first basement..the pitcher..his foot on the bag..and the ball all arrived before the runner.  The last and 27th straight out of the game appeared to have happen. 

Then again..


It's hard to tell where umpire Jim Joyce's career goes after acknowledging he blew a call at first base that cost Detroit Tigers pitcher Armando Galarraga a perfect game. The longtime umpire will find work, but will he find anything but infamy as the man who robbed Galarraga of his place in baseball's record books?

Tasteful discretion, of course, is the name of the game.

Commissioner Bud Selig must strike the proper balance between getting calls right and slowing down a game that already has a reputation for being slow and boring.

But, hey, the National Football League made replay work with few hitches. And the NFL's process for reviews could help Major League Baseball make the transition.

Review all questionable home run calls, give each manager an additional challenge and leave it to a replay official to review all calls after the eighth inning. If a play is truly crucial to the outcome of a game, it's covered under the umbrella of replay.

On paper, reviews would make the average game longer. But, I would make the argument that replays could actually SAVE time.

Managers are currently free to, within reason, leave the dugout and argue any and all questionable calls. While I'm as big a fan of a good old-fashioned Lou Piniella blowup as the next guy, these are futile wastes of time designed to help a team earn favorable calls later in the game. They're fighting inaccuracy with more inaccuracy.

Imagine a game where inaccuracy was no longer an option. Useless, on-field arguments would no longer be part of the game, and neither would botched calls.

Instead of Leyland leaving the dugout and getting in Joyce's face, he could push a button to review the call from the comfort of his own dugout. Umpires would take a look, get the call right, and everyone involved would move on with their lives.

The history of baseball suggests that 'human error is part of the game,' but baseball's future is one of higher stakes and higher scrutiny. Baseball must adapt to the higher demands for accuracy and use Joyce's blown call to usher in a new era of instant replay.

That's about the instant replay thing..

Should Major League Baseball overturn Jim Joyce's call and award Armando Galarraga a perfect game? ABSOLUTELY.

Did Baseball step up today and do the right thing? ABSOLUTELY NOT!

Commissioner Bud Selig won't reverse an umpire's admitted blown call that cost Tigers pitcher Armando Galarraga a perfect game.

Here's some thoughts from a respected manager..
"I was thinking if the umpire says he made a mistake on replay, I'd call it a no-hitter, perfect game. Just scratch it," St. Louis Cardinals manager Tony La Russa said. "If I was Mr. Selig, in the best interest of the game. The guy got it and I'd give him his perfect game. But here again, I should just shut my mouth."
Former Cub Milt Pappas, who lost a perfect game in 1972 when the home plate umpire called a ball on a full count on the 27th batter, ridiculed Selig for his refusal to reverse Joyce's decision.

"What an idiot. How the hell can [Selig] not do that? What is it, the integrity of the game? I can't believe that, after the umpire even admitted what he did," Pappas told ESPNChicago.com's Willie Weinbaum. "[Joyce] ruined the kid's perfect game and said so. Unbelievable. It's too bad."
Its even crossed over into politics..

Michigan lawmakers got into the act on Thursday, lobbying Selig to reverse the call and recognize Galarraga as having thrown a perfect game. Gov. Jennifer Granholm issued a proclamation declaring that Galarraga had indeed pitched a perfect game, while U.S. Rep. John D. Dingell said he'd introduce a congressional resolution asking Major League Baseball to overturn the blown call.

And U.S. Rep Thaddeus G. McCotter, in a letter to Selig obtained by ESPN.com's Amy K. Nelson, asked him to recognize it as a perfect game, saying...
"only the truth will uphold and honor the integrity of the game; and the truth is that this game was perfect."
Later, McCotter told Nelson...
"When this happened, the feeling here in Detroit was this could only happen to us; this was just one more thing on top of everything else."
McCotter was upset with Selig's decision. McCotter's letter was written before Selig said he would not reverse Joyce's call.
"I'm a conservative. I like the tradition of the game, I like the human dimension of the game," McCotter told Nelson, "but [Selig] cannot divorce imself from the human dimension of the game. What are they, automatons up there? Is it a computer that you just plug into? "Bottom line, I just wish that some of the character and moral courage that the umpire showed in admitting his honest mistake had been replicated by Major League Baseball."
It doesn't sound this call is really over.  We shall see..

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Cure for Breast Cancer??

Happy Tuesday to all my ANGELS.  Its still hot and humid in the VILLE..but its all good for the kiddos.  Today was their last day of school.  Happy for some..sad for others.  Kelsey will be graduating with her Atherton class tomorrow (Wednesday) at 12:00p.  Will have lots of emotions going through my head.  Its really been fun watching her grow into a lady.  Kelsey..all the love in the world to you.

This past weekend most of us celebrated the Memorial Day thing.  Some had a long weekend.  Some enjoyed the outdoor life.  Most thought of someone special.  I did the visit to the cemetary to show some love to my sis.  I know she knows I still think of her lots.  To you, Carol..my beautiful 'lil sis..I'll see you again one day.

I also called a friend to check up on her.  She has breast cancer.  Just wanted her to know that I was thinking about her and family.

As usual, she, the hubby and I had good conversation.  They are good people..and I love them dearly.  What continues to blow me away is her strength.  To go through this illness and not stress out like I do, over a paper cut, cracks me up.  She knows it..and of course calls me a sissy.  I can live with that..from her.  To sum up our conversation..this basically is her thinking. I'm paraphrasing..
"This Memorial Day weekend is a good time to celebrate surviving. It marks the start of another great summer season that usually involves holidays and fun, and it is already a day off from work and the daily routine."
The daily routine???  HEY YOU..you are my hero.  With that said..I know you're aware of this..but I wanted to post it..thinking of you..and any other person going through this illness.  There may be hope for a cure.  CLICK THE TITLE TO VIEW THE STORY.

Guys..it's catholic picnic season.  I hope to see you guys..drink and laugh..and I'll even let YOU make fun of me.  However..when YOU officially kick this thing...YOU'RE ASS is mine!  :-)

Here's hope to all with this dreaded disease.  God bless.

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Friday, May 28, 2010

THEEEE Biggest Loser..

Happy Friday..and end of the week to all my ANGELS.  Hope everyone has a great and safe holiday weekend.  Wishing the kiddos well..as they are with their momma doing the lake thing.  Thinking of you..

Finally getting around to giving a shout out to the winner of one of my guilty pleasures...THE BIGGEST LOSER.

Michael Ventrella, the only "Biggest Loser" contestant to weigh more than 500 pounds, won the season finale this past Tuesday night.  He went from 526 to 262 pounds and got $250,000.

Daris George and Ashley Johnston joined him in the top three.

Michael, the biggest loser on the ranch, decided the order of the final weigh-in. It was Daris, Ashley and then Michael.

Daris went from 346 to 178 pounds. His total percentage of weight loss was 48.55 percent.

Ashley went from 374 to 191 pounds. Her total percentage of weight loss was 48.93 percent.

Fan votes didn't put Koli Palu (one of my favorites) in the final three, but he won the $100,000 prize for the eliminated contestant who loses the most weight. He went from 403 pounds to 188 pounds.

The whole group, making up of family members initially as teams, did great.  My other favorite, Sam..Koli's cousin, lost about 40% of his starting body weight.

What these guys did each week is truly as inspiration to all.  More importantly..its a life saving event for all.

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Not Your Typical Ghost TV Show..

Happy Wednesday..Hump Day to all my ANGELS.  Hope you're week is going well..and everyone has something good going on for the long weekend.  Today's blog dives into the paranormal side of my personality.  Here's some thoughts on something else you may not know about me..as I absolutely love this stuff.

Ghost Adventures first made their way to our living rooms with a documentary that originally aired on SyFy three years ago. Zak Bagans, Nick Groff and Aaron Goodwin traveled to Goldfield, Nevada to investigate the old Goldfield Hotel. The hotel has a lot of paranormal history and is of a lot of interest to ghost hunting investigators.

There are stories that a man was killed in an elevator shaft and of a woman who became pregnant by her lover then being chained to a radiator heater left to die. Her child was born and was reportedly thrown down a mine shaft. The smell of perfume and cigars has also been reported. In addition, people have reported being shoved on the fourth floor.

While Nick was in the ballroom, an full-bodied apparition was caught on camera. The apparition appeared to be following Nick. After a specialist studied the video footage, he said it was authentic - there was no evidence of tampering. This evaluation only served to give these three credibility as well as credibility to the field of ghost hunting.

Perhaps the most notable event took place in the basement..

Zak and Nick were investigating the basement of the Grandfield and when they got to one of the rooms, a brick was launched into the air with great force and speed. Chaos ensued when Nick and Zak began running away and becoming separated. Zak called out for Nick over and over again but there was no answer. As fans hear Zak's continued calls, a disembodied voice can be heard near Nick saying his name, "Nick."

This documentary is what propelled the guys to fame. Fans were captivated by what they were seeing and the show left us wanting more. Most importantly, it provided the best evidence by far that the paranormal do exist.

Not Your Typical Ghost TV Show..

Ghost Adventures which airs on the Travel Channel took awhile to grow on me. Now in their third season, I think they've taken over from the venerable champs, Ghost Hunters.

The small team of Ghost Adventures is part of the success of the show. They go into purportedly haunted places and self-document their investigation. Since there is no camera crew following them around, the mood of the environment gets creepy quick.

A fair amount of the show is dedicated to the research of the haunted site. During the walkthrough's the team places X's on alleged hot spots.

Why can't those paranormal shows ever catch anything significant on TV? Not entirely true.

Entering into the realm of the paranormal has always been ever so fascinating to me. For many years now, I have followed up on every television series which depict the world of the paranormal. I love the hauntingly unexplained and can't get enough of it! So, it comes as no surprise that I watch Ghost Adventures, Ghost Hunters and Paranormal State religiously. But Ghost Adventures stands alone now.

I was immediately hooked from the moment I saw the first episode! And why wouldn't I? The show has every element you can ask for in a ghost series. The suspense, the unknown, the remarkable guerrilla style footage, the evidence, validity and PASSION that Ghost Hunters has lacked for sometime. While Ghost Hunters do their monotonous job like a 9 to 5'r with a camera crew feasible for the taping of the Oscars. Are these actors or investigators? How do they ever expect to find any evidence anymore, with so many unnecessary bodies obstructing any possible findings? Makes me think if the entire show is scripted and/or staged altogether.

The reason that Ghost Adventures works and Ghost Hunters or Paranormal State no longer does, is that the
drive for the unknown is what keeps Zak, Aaron and Nick hungry for more, therefore, the viewer is anticipating that bite.

Do like to walk on the paranormal side?  Let me know..

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Rand Paul Show..

Happy Tuesday to all my ANGELS.  Sitting at the house..a little under the weather..enough not to be able to
spend time with the kiddos.  YUCKS..and SUCKS.  I'll see you tomorrow kiddos..

Getting around to catching up and responding to the whole Rand Paul election win..and controversial comments.  Here's my thought..

I question the senility of my fellow Kentucky voters who chose a crackpot over the GOP mainstream candidate, Secretary of State Trey Grayson, in last Tuesday's primary.

By virtue of this win Rand Paul is now the "new sheriff" of the "tea party" movement since the Alaskan hottie Sarah Palin is no longer in office.

Rand lost no time in stirring up a controversy by sticking to his earlier statement made to Courier-Journal that he opposes imposing those rules of the 1964 Civil Rights Act on private businesses. He just made the water muddier by appearing on MSNBC's “The Rachel Maddow Show", and trying to put a spin on his previous statement.

The year is 2010 and I had thought that the 1964 Act had settled those issues long time ago. Obviously, I was wrong.

Last Wednesday Rand said on NPR that he is opposed to racism, and he would have marched with Martin Luther King to overturn institutional racism, if he were there at the time.

When Rachel Maddow asked Paul directly, if lunch counters should have been desegregated, as the activists had campaigned for during the Civil Right movement, he refused to give a clear answer and only rumbled that he did not believe in discrimination.

Bill Clinton dismantled the Glass-Steagal act, and see where we are today with the banking industry. Dick Cheney gave BP waiver from installing a remote switch for shutting down oil wells—the switch would have prevented the gulf oil spill that is gushing out right now.

And Rand, do not shake the hornet’s nest by inciting race issues; we have enough issues to divide us already.

FOR THE RECORD...I'm now going the INDEPENDENT ROUTE.  When it's time to rip on the otherside..I will.

Let me know your thoughts..

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Monday, May 24, 2010


Happy Monday to all my ANGELS.  Another hot and humid day in the VILLE.  Hope everyone had a good day.  It's all good here..I think.  This blog is going to talk about how their is TWO AMERICAS.  The one where most people live..and the one where most wish we were living.

Back in the recent past when we were dealing with the recession..there was the select group that didn't know we were in it..or didn't see it.  I'm talking about the upper class..the wealthy.  With those people..I think they live in a "dream land"..and think their suburbs should have their own rules and ways.  And race is always a major player in those rules..

You want Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and The Race Card to go away. You love it when their white-wing soul mates, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, pretend the solution to America’s race problem is for black people to quit talking about race.

OK, read this..

A prosecutor in Carmel, Ind., hid behind the grand-jury process so that misdemeanor charges would be filed against a group of senior Carmel High School basketball players who “hazed” a group of freshmen players by allegedly pulling their pants down and violating them with some type of “anal penetration,” according to a lawyer for one of the alleged victims.

Carmel is a suburb of Indianapolis. It’s a wealthy suburb that in the last decade has received its first real taste of racial diversity.

The Carmel school system, the prosecutor and the parents of the alleged perpetrators have “managed” the investigation of this crime since day one. If they had had their way, the “hazing” would’ve been ignored or handled by school administrators. In 1998, when the Carmel swim team was engulfed in a similar hazing incident, the prosecutor hid behind a grand jury and declined to seek any criminal charges against the swimmers.

This time the prosecutor has been dragged to court by an avalanche of evidence and because of the race of the victims.

The group of seniors consisted of three white players and one black. The group of alleged victims consisted of two black players and one white. The black victims and their parents, according to reporters covering the case, have cooperated with the police. The white victim’s family has denied to reporters that their son is involved.

There is videotape evidence of what transpired at the back of the freshman bus on Jan. 22, when one of the alleged victims was violated. Under the myth of protecting the victim, the prosecutor won’t make the tape available to the media.

What’s missing is a credible, objective media arbitrator applying genuine pressure on the prosecutor and the school to do the right thing. There’s no meaningful outrage.

The prosecutor didn’t need a grand jury to bring felony charges against the players for deviant sexual conduct. Sonia Leerkamp, the prosecutor, went the grand-jury route because the proceedings are secret, and she knew a grand jury would be reluctant to damage rich kids with bright futures.
“The only people she could be trying to protect through a grand jury are the suspects,” a retired Indiana law professor told the Indianapolis Star. “It’s a coverup, pure and simple. It’s obscene.”
No one thinks the Carmel kids should be locked away for years. But a few no-harm-no-foul misdemeanors for allegedly jamming things down a kid’s butt on the back of a bus?

Reverse the races and move the case to the inner city. You think misdemeanors and a giggly field trip to jail would be on the table?

I’m not a Sharpton or Jackson cheerleader. But I understand what motivates them, what gives them credibility.

Those of us who claim to be free of biases, those of us who claim we want everyone treated fairly, too often lose the courage to support our stated convictions. The people manipulating the criminal justice system in this case should be shamed into doing the right thing by the people who actually live in Carmel.

Again..TWO AMERICAS is still alive and kicking..and will always be here.  Somebody in politics needs to take up that mantle. That is one of our fundamental problems...that there are two Americas. 

This past recession has been so uneven. In that top half, that one-half of America...ask the question...why does it not look like there is a recession at the height of it, when we were hearing such horrible numbers. Because the places they drive through, there isn't one. But in this other America, it's like a depression.  And with recession and depression comes actions that the upper half normally don't experience...or have control of.

So what's the answer??  Tell me..

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

College Recruits Choosing AID over LOI

Second blog of the day...and its still hot and humid in the VILLE.  Hope everyone has enjoyed their weekend..as Sunday is winding down.  My second blog is of the college sports scene.  Here we go..

Two UK basketball recruits, Brandon Knight and Terrence Jones, opted to sign financial aid papers rather than the normal Letter of Intent doc.  Lots of people wondered why Aid instead of LOI?  Its basically comes down to the student athlete doing a CYA.

Prepare for more and more top prospects to go the route of only signing a financial aid agreement and not signing a letter of intent.

Why would a prospect want to restrict himself by signing a letter of intent if he has the option to just sign scholarship papers? If a school values a recruit enough..it will be more than happy to just have that prospect sign scholarship papers.

It is all about leverage..and the high-level prospects have all the leverage. And this will be known now more than ever.

The primary reason a prospect would not want to be bound by a letter of intent is the possibility of the head coach leaving for another job. With so much talk about coach John Calipari potentially leaving UK for the NBA, it only makes sense for Knight and Jones to steer clear of a letter of intent.

I sincerely believe Coach Cal is not leaving UK any time soon.  I think the whole NBA experience humbled him and he's content being on top of the college mountain.  He's rubbing shoulders with LeBron, Ashley and most of the top high school talent in America.  However, if Cal was to get an NBA deal like Rick Pitino did from the Celtics..I'd could not blame him for leaving.  I didn't blame Rick then..and wouldn't blame Cal now. 

I'm like life..I'm day-to-day..and glad we have Coach Cal..and the talent that he is bringing to UK.  But you have to take the good with the bad.  The bad could, for UK fans, Cal getting the right NBA deal.  For that...I have no problem with the kid looking out for himself.  Truth is..top talent goes to a school because of the coach..not the other way around.

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Long Dong Silver...America's Locations (PG13)

Happy Hot and Humid Sunday here in the VILLE.  Hope my ANGELS are doing well today.  I started to search for blog ideas..and this one fell onto my lap (no pun intended).  Once again..it proves that with a little time and effort..no rocks or stones go unturned for a story.  Check this out..

I found this story via the HUFFINGTONPOST.COM site (CLICK TITLE TO GET THE STORY). 

The author has released their own USA top list of 20 cities ordered by the penis size. You surely must be wondering how they tracked these stats.

They recorded the condom store database of condom sizes so they could check what sizes of condoms have been purchased the most.

 Finally, they found the top FIVE "LONG DONG SILVER” cities in the USA:
  1. New Orleans 
  2. Washington DC
  3. San Diego
  4. New York City
  5. Phoenix

OK..I was a little caught offguard that someone could do this kind of research.  But hey..for some its probably good information...right?

With that said..if you're like me..if your "DONG" is not so "LONG" then start using a penis enlargement device or just move to Dallas or Philadelphia..OR just stay put if you're here in the VILLE..where we can stand out of the crowd.  You know..kind of like being a "big fish in a small pond".  I'm good with that..

OK..this blog was short and sweet.  I really don't know what else to say..

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Live Music..the Local Kind

Happy Saturday to all my ANGELS. Very nice day in the VILLE…partly sunny and in the upper 70s. What going on around town? Always something. Tonight I’m planning to see a friend’s band at Stevie Rays…and I thought this would make for a good blog.

Music is the universal language of this world. Music can do so much for you. Speaking for me…music moves me in so many ways every day. There is not a day that I don’t spend at least an hour listening to music…all kinds. You know…its ok to feel or show emotions throughout the day. Hell…if you can laugh and shed a tear during the day…then you’re living.

My parents gave me an electric guitar when I was 12…but I elected not to pursue it. I was more interested in sports. How I so regret that now. So what do I do??  I live vicariously through my friends...or new friends that I get to know who play in bands…and make it a point to go to their gigs to enjoy the “live vibe”.

I know music matters to a lot of people. If you’re not a regular on the local music scene…you are really missing out on some true talent…and good fun.

We are living in the largest city in the state, and 16th largest in the country. There are more than 1.6 million people in the metro area. So why doesn’t anyone give a shit about live music in this town?

Some people will blame the bad economy. To that, I say, “Bullshit!” There are people willing to pay $10 a head to be in the same club as the morons from “Jersey Shore” or something like that.  There are people who pay $10 to park and another $10 cover just to hang out and listen to the same monotonous shitty club music at the Freedom Hall.

Sure, some shows are expensive, but some are only $5. Some are free. You’ll pay $5 for a beer, but not $5 to see three bands rock the Phoenix Hill? You can pay $5 for cigarettes but not $5 for a night at Stevie Rays or TKs? You have money to go out to fancy dinner, but not even half of that for a night of great entertainment and good memories?

Or, like I said earlier, you’ll pay $10 to park and a $10 cover for a DJ playing a CD on a regular basis, but not take one night or two a month to use that $20 for a live band playing original music?

Everyone loves music. But you need to prove it. Give local bands a chance. Go see a band that looks promising — they may be back next year charging 10 times as much and you can say, “I saw them back when they were in a small club…”

Trust me...these guys are not making a killing at these gigs.  In some cases...the reward for playing is basically the venue paying for their spouse's bar tab (SW).  These cats play for their love of music...and the joy of watching people come out and jam with them for a few hours. 

With that said…my buddy Dave and his band, Empty Fifth, will be jamming tonight at Stevie Ray’s on Main Street. They are playing at 10:30p..playing blues and 70s classic rock.  This is their first gig at Stevie Rays...and I would like to see them make a great impression.  That could start with a great audience.  Help me show some love to the band.  Really cool stuff tonight..

Right now for me…I recommend the following bands. Empty Fifth, The Wilson Brothers, Jefferson Tarc Bus, Sparechange Millionaires, Caribou, Big Rock Show. There are lots more talented bands out there. I’m partial to them as I know guys with the band. HOWEVER…they jam…and will play lots of songs that you will sing or dance too.

It’s all good. Come out and play…if you will.

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Have you made your December 21, 2012 Reservations?

Happy Hump Day to all my ANGELS.  Hope this week is going good for you.  Going OK on my end.  My Reds are in first place..and thats a good..and not so normal thing.  Anyway..

I have to admit I'm addicted to the HISTORY CHANNEL.  It basically is the late night show I tune in before bedtime.  During the days...I generally will find something to DVR...and watch at my convenience.  With that said...I've been stuck with the whole Mayan prediction.  In case you haven't heard, there's a piece of hysteria going around that the world will end on December 21, 2012, supposedly based on astronomy and an ancient Mayan prediction.

According to Mayan Calendar, December 21, 2012 is the end date for the world. Many of the people in the world have heard the name of Mayan Calendar but do not know how it works and what it means. Yes it is true that the Long Count calendar of the ancient Mayans does end on the winter solstice on December 21, 2012, but the real fact is that the Mayan calendar does not end, it just repeats itself. Here is provided the important details about December 21, 2012 (12/21/2012): End date in Mayan Calendar.

About December 21, 2012..

There is a huge deal of information regarding the date 12/21/2012. December 21, 2012 is a date of incredible historical significance and the end of a complete time cycle. December 21, 2012 is the end of the fifth sun and the birth of a new age. Just as other calendars end on December and goes back to January, the Mayan calendar also does the same thing. Mayan calendar does it every 26,000,000 years and it does not mean that world is going to end, it is just the last day of a very long calendar. All scientific verification shows that the Mayan Long Count astronomical predictions are accurate.

About Mayan Calendar..

Mayan calendar is also called as the Aztec Calendar. On the Aztec "sun stone," this calendar is recorded as a carving and at present it is on exhibit in the National Museum of Anthropology and History located within Chapultepec Park, Mexico City. There are many sayings about the carved stone, but most of them are unrelated to the "end times."

The Mayan calendar fifth world ended in 1987 and the sixth world will start in 2012. So we are at present in the "between worlds". This period is also known as "Apocalypse" or “revealing”. The Mayan sixth world is in reality blank. It means that there will be creation of the new world and civilization we want now.

There will be great changes in the personal life of people during the “Apocalypse” or the time "between worlds". The changes will be countless and diverse like change of residence or location, relationships coming to an end, change of job or work, transfer in attitude or thinking and much more.

The Mayans told that by 2012 we will have gone beyond time and money as well as technology. With the rest of the Universe, Planet Earth and the Solar System will come into galactic synchronization. The plane of our Solar System will line up precisely with the plane of our Galaxy, the Milky Way in 2012. This cycle has taken 26,000 years to finish.

The above mentioned details are of just December 21, 2012: the Mayan Calendar end date and it is not end of the world so do not worry as this all things are predictions only. Let us see what changes will happen on December 21, 2012. We have no other option rather than to wait till 2012.

But you probably have friends and family who are getting nervous that America will crack apart into cookie crumbs, tsunamis will sweep over the Himalayas, Earth's poles will flip, and a secret invisible planet will smack us down like a bowling pin. And they will be turning to you, the astronomy person, to ask about it.

There is zero scientific evidence that anything will happen, but there are numerous things that could easily threaten the human species in the year 2012, such as a geomagnetic reversal, asteroid strike or supernova. Or something more intimate, like a flu pandemic, or a nuclear war.

Although I'd prefer new age enlightenment, I can't help but think something terrible may occur, and that ancient civilizations have left us coded warnings (hint: I'm not talking about Nostradamus).

I have no idea if something bad will happen in 2012 or not. Nobody really knows. Most home owners have fire insurance, even though they do not expect their house to ever burn. They have it because losing their home and contents would be devastating, and insurance is quite cheap.

The human species does not have an insurance policy that covers a global cataclysm in 2012. Until governments, organizations or high-worth individuals make an effort, my intention is to do the best I can, because at least 1 person out of 6 billion people should make an effort.

What do you think?

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Rock..I mean The Teach smacking down a 6th Grader

Happy Tuesday.  Happy Election Day here in the Ville and state of Kentucky.  My question..if we all elect not to vote..will they all go away?  Just asking.  The positive side of the day..no school..therefore Mason and Jacqueline stayed with me last night and into today.  Take that anytime..

Most of you may have already heard about..or watched the video of the teacher laying the 'smackdown' on the 6th grader in Houston.  CLICK TITLE TO WATCH VIDEO.  For those who haven't heard..here's the lowdown..

A disturbing cell phone video of a teacher beating a sixth grader in class has been turned over to the local Sheriff’s office. The teacher allegedly attacked the student as other students watched and laughed as a mentally-challenged girl danced. There were reportedly other teachers in the classroom, but did not intervene in the minute long fight.  AGAIN...CLICK TITLE TO WATCH VIDEO.

Here's the update..

School officials said Tuesday that they fired 40-year-old Sheri Lynn Davis after she was caught on a videotape beating a 6th-grader at Jamie's House Charter School in north Harris County, Texas.

Thirteen-year-old Isaiah Johnson was dragged by the legs across the floor, slapped in the face, kicked and had his head slammed against a wall. Another student caught the beating, which lasted almost a minute, on her cell phone video camera.

Officials at the school for at-risk students said this week that that they fired the 40-year-old Davis, who had worked there for about 3 years and never had complaints against her.

''The kids loved her," said spokeswoman Sue Davis, who is not related to the teacher.

During the time Davis taught at the school, a warrant was out for her arrest stemming from an alleged tire slashing incident in January 2009. Davis is scheduled to appear in court on that criminal mischief charge, a misdemeanor, on Tuesday, according to Houston's KRIV-TV.

You know..I don't know all the facts of this event.  I'm hearing the kid laughed at a mentally challenged student during her dance that set off the teacher.  HOWEVER..is it possible that this kid had been pushing the patience of this teacher for longer than this event..and the teacher simply snapped.  Be honest..there are a lot of us who have encountered kids that have just annoyed theeeee hell out of us.  In some cases..this teacher was only doing something that I HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT DOING or WISHING UPON a juvenile.  Not siding with the teacher..but can probably understand why or what set her off.

Bottomline..this teacher is just that..a teacher.  Someone who we all trust in..and expect to do the right things..set examples for the young.  The teacher was in the wrong..and should be punished accordingly.  As well as the other teachers who stood by and watched from their RINGSIDE SEATS.  I will be interested to see how this all plays out.

Tell me what you think..

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Online conversations allows you..

Happy Sunday night to all my ANGELS.  It has rained all day here in the VILLE...and the forecast is basically wet all week.  It is what it is.  This next blog is going to raise the question/concerns with the new way of finding the next big thing..

I am talking about online dating, of course..

When the phenomenon of online dating sites started several years ago, they were a haven for perverts, sexual predators, nerds, and weirdo’s of assorted varieties came in both sexes, all sizes, and all ages…as did, liars and cheaters all of the online dating horror is gone.

That is just no longer the case. The online dating stigma is gone. Online dating has gone main stream and is, not only acceptable, but expected. Online dating has become the primary tool of single people of all ages to generate an interesting and rewarding social life. But if you are still worried about online dating sites there are companies out there to do online dating background check to make sure the person you just met is who they said they are and not some crazed crazy.

No matter what your age, height, weight or physical appearance, there are thousands of people out there eager to meet you and eager for your company…whether short-term or long-term relationships are what you want. If you have found yourself suddenly “on-the-market” again after a relationship has dissolved or are just too busy with your work to spend a lot of time looking for a person to keep you company, online dating sites can open the door to the dating scene for you.

Let us face it…we are busy…and maybe a bit lazy. We just simply do not have the time, the energy, or the financial where-with-all to date several nights each week while we look for the “one” online dating works. Why not make use of such a useful tool for our social and personal lives as well? You could find the love of your life. At the very least, you will meet some interesting people and possibly make some lasting friendships on an online dating network…and that would include Facebook or MySpace.

I used to be a critic of the “online dating” thing…but I kind of stand corrected. I really do think the online conversations allow you to get to know the most important part of someone…the inner person. Online conversation allows you to ask all types of questions…and better yet…allows you to read and understand their responses. There are no physical interference or physical blinding of your interpretations. I’ve gotten to know a lot of people on Facebook…and fortunately for me…I’ve been able to determine via chatting whether or not I would even want to proceed with a face-to-face. Yes to a few…no to a lot. HOWEVER…I’m sure that works both ways…as I can accept the fact that I’m not appealing to everyone.

At my age…I’ve “been there done that” with most things. I’m as open-minded now as ever. One of my past blogs talked about fate/destiny. I think fate/destiny could fall into your lap via the online thing.

If you have experiences with the online thing…good or bad…please share.

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Friday, May 14, 2010

seven year old GIRLS GONE WILD..

Happy Friday night to all my ANGELS.  Hope everyone had a great week..and a good weekend of ahead of you. This blog comes after watching CNN's AC360..Anderson Cooper.  He had Dr. Phil on watching this video (CLICK TITLE TO WATCH) and both were commenting.  Basically, they're comments were everything I was thinking.  Here's the lowdown..

A video of a a group of girls gyrating to Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” at the World of Dance tour in Pomona, Calif., (the tour was in Dallas last month) is circulating the web and not in a good way. The dancers, a group of 7-year-olds, in barely there outfits shimmied, shaked and popped it to the hit song as audience members cheered them on. But what some see as a high energy performance others view as exploitation. One YouTube commenter wrote..
“that was definitely a little raunchy for such young girls, but they killed it so more power to ‘em.”
Others were not as impressed..
“these girls do show talent, but in all reality, I’m appalled at the parents who allow their little girls to dance like that. All that’s missing in that routine is a pole.”

So who’s to blame..if there is blame? The parents who sat in the audience with video cameras as their daughter’s danced out suggestive gestures? Or the teacher/coach that thought it was be OK to show little girls how to act sexy for an audience? Or promoters who let second graders display their ability to drop it like it’s hot for publicity’s sake? Or us, the appaled public who seem to be attaching too much sentiment and meaning to what little girls simply see as fun dancing? Maybe it a combination of multiple faults. But what do we expect? These kind of dance moves are all around us..on TV, in commercials, dance competitions etc. Have you been to a college or pro sporting event lately? I’ve seen the dancers 'splay themselves across half court while children watched in the audience. To a child the thing that pretty girl in shorts does with her legs and booty looks funny not seductive, but I feel uncomfortable seeing a woman thrust her pelvis in the air at a freakin’ basketball game. So is it any wonder that little girls who aspire to be dancers would watch an amazing dancer and icon like Beyonce and not want to move like her? I don’t fault the little girls for wanting to wow a crowd and win a dance competition, but I do question the adults who dressed the girls like mini-women in costumes inappropriate for their ages, who showed them how to be sexy and paraded them out in front of video cameras.

The reality is that very not nice people think very bad things when they see little girls in bra tops and makeup. I’m not a parent yet, but I don’t think I could live with the idea that some creep had a video of my little girl on the Internet. Take a look and see if the performance is one you’d be proud of your daughter for?

As a father..not my thing.  My child would not partake in such an event.  I generally say..to each their own.  However..if I were in the audience during this show..those parents would know my feelings. 

As a parent..what are your thoughts?

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Happy Thursday morning to all my ANGELS..a very early Thursday morning. I started this blog Wednesday..and found myself winding down Wed night by finishing the rest of it. This blog is about something we parents have to eventually discuss sooner or later..SEX with OUR KIDS. Here’s my take..

I recently read about a Harvard study..a study of 13 to 17 year olds..asking them about their sex lives, what they had done-and at what age they had done it. Then the researchers asked both the teenagers and their parents what kind of talks they had about sex together. The same questions were asked at three, six and twelve month intervals.

These liberal parents pretty much missed most of the critical sexual moments in their children's lives. Although they wanted to be their children's guide and friend, their kids faced tough situations, such as being pressured to have sex or not knowing how to talk to a partner about wearing a condom, way before their parents ever broached these subjects with them. The majority had never told their daughters about birth control options..and many of these girls were having sex already. A co-author of the study, Dr. Mark Schuster, head of Pediatrics at Children's Hospital in Boston, chalked up some of the reluctance or late timing of these conversations to the parents discomfort with their children's potential and actual sexuality-and their worry about saying the right thing. As a result, 40% of this sample brought up the issue of their children's sexual life only after their child was already sexually active-and many of them had been through some harrowing experiences.

This isn't what the parents wanted for their children..it's not what any parents wants. We want them to be safe..we want them to know how to make good choices and manage tricky interpersonal interactions. Most parents want their children to postpone their sexual life until they are at least out of high school..but realistically, that isn't going to happen. It still amazes me how many parents say people should talk to kids having sex in their teens, but insist "not my child"..even when statistically, it has a very good chance indeed of being their child. In fact, I remember parents telling me their child was not sexually active when I knew their child was having sex. I had been sworn to secrecy, so I suggested to the parent that perhaps their child was sexually active but afraid to talk to them about it..and that perhaps opening a dialogue might put them in a position to get information-and therefore be able to give advice. The parents..to a person..vehemently insisted that wouldn't be necessary.

This kind of denial is unfair to young boys and girls. We have already learned that abstinence education.. even abstinence pledges..do not keep the majority of teens abstinent. While good sex education, late development or strong religious commitments may keep a large number of the them virginal until age 17, by age 16 the numbers of teens having sex really ratchets up, it increases significantly by age 17, and gets to about 75-80 percent by age 19. Just when is it safe to assume one will be having talks about sex in time to prepare these teenagers for their sexual attractions, emotions and decision making skills?

The time to start talking about sexuality..at least in general..is when children are toddlers, and the developmentally appropriate talks should continue, right up through young adulthood. If parents are squeamish..and apparently most are..there are parent-child workshops at various places across the nation that encourages dialogue between parent and child. No values are preached..just open communication on tough topics.

There are also books to get things going..
Am I Normal? is a book for young children, Dr. Shuster, author of the study in Pediatrics, has written a book called Everything You Never Wanted Your Kids To Know About Sex (But Were Afraid They'd Ask).
There are a lot of other good books on the subject as well- some coming out of distinctly religious frameworks for people who feel most comfortable discussing this issue within a larger ethical and spiritual context. There really are resources for everyone-and our children really need for us to step up, one way or another, and deal with their sexual questions and quandaries.

But this means we have to look at our quite young children and realize they are sexual beings, and they will soon be in sexual situations. This is difficult for all kinds of reason-but just because it's difficult doesn't mean we should avoid facing our duty as our children's protectors and counsel. No one loves them like we do, and they are going to act in ways that often go against our own comfort level and/or values. But when we refuse to acknowledge their sexuality..or tell them that sex is so sinful or so inappropriate that they would rather die than tell us about what they are doing..we often place them in truly dangerous territory.

This study shows what happened when loving well intentioned parents let their kids down. They don't want to..but nonetheless, they are not tuned into an important part of their kid's lives..and without permission and trust between parent and child on this subject..the children suffer. We have to accept that they will be sexual before are we comfortable about it and before they are emotionally mature enough to handle it without our good advice. We need to give them our best information, and our learned wisdom..and we need to do it before it's too late to help them.

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Greetings to all my ANGELS.  Hope everyone is having a good week so far.  Been a little silent lately..recovering from allergies and some other misc stuff.  HOWEVER..I always find writing takes my mind off the daily grind..and challenges my open-mindness.  With that said..I thought I blog about the SLICK MESS down in the gulf..and what details need to be discussed.  Here's what I found..

Quite a lot bigger than the estimate being uncritically quoted throughout the media of 210,000 gallons (5,000 barrels) per day. That was the last "official" estimate made by NOAA and accepted by the Coast Guard back on April 29 (see timeline below). Before that, the Coast Guard estimates ranged from 336,000 gallons (8,000 barrels) per day, to zero, to 42,000 gallons (1,000 barrels) per day. None of these estimates has been publicly explained or substantiated. And on May 1, the Coast Guard and NOAA stopped trying to estimate the spill rate, with Admiral Thad Allen saying
"Any exact estimate is probably impossible at this time."

But the media continues to report that oil is leaking into the Gulf at 5,000 barrels per day. At CNN/ANDERSON COOPER, they estimate the spill rate is closer to 1.1 million gallons (26,500 barrels) per day, based on the size of the slick on satellite images and Coast Guard maps, and thickness estimates derived from visual descriptions of the slick. That puts us at a total spill of 21 million gallons so far.

Considering that there are deepwater oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico capable of producing >1.26 million gallons (30,000 barrels) of oil per day under controlled flow rates; and that the oil slick continues to grow in size even though it's been under attack 24/7 by skimmer vessels, burning, chemical dispersants, and natural processes; our estimate seems quite conservative.

Why is it important to get this number right? This is about more than just liability, or PR. You can bet that our future response capacity is going to be overhauled and retooled based on this spill. If we low-ball the spill amount and rate, we run the risk of designing an inadequate new spill-response system that is doomed to fail the next time something this big occurs.

Here's the timeline of spill estimates:
•4/22 - Deepwater Horizon rig sinks; Coast Guard estimates "up to" 8,000 barrels per day (bpd) is leaking - source
•4/23 - Coast Guard reports no leaking at all from the damaged well - source
•4/24 - Coast Guard reports well is leaking, estimates 1,000 bpd - source
•4/25 - BP repeats 1,000 bpd estimate - source

•4/27 - 1,000 bpd still the official Coast Guard and BP estimate - source

•4/27 - SkyTruth and Dr. Ian MacDonald publish first estimate that spill rate is 20,000 bpd - source

•4/28 - NOAA weighs in and raises the official estimate to 5,000 bpd based on aerial surveys "and other factors"; BP disputes this higher estimate - source

•4/29 - Coast Guard and NOAA repeat their estimate of 5,000 bpd - source

•4/29 - BP's Chief Operating Officer admits new estimate of 5,000 bpd may be correct; "He said there was no way to measure the flow at the seabed and estimates have to come from how much oil makes it to the surface" - source

•5/1 - SkyTruth and Dr. Ian MacDonald publish revised estimate of at least 26,500 bpd - source

•5/1 - Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen "acknowledged there was no way really to know the extent of the leak" - source - and stated that "Any exact estimate is probably impossible at this time" - source

•5/1 - Coast Guard and NOAA cease estimating the rate of the spill.

Once again..looks like people are trying to downplay..or save their ass.  There has to be major accountability here.  The hurt that its putting on the Gulf..ocean life, the business' on the shores.  This thing is far from over..

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Erin vs Elizabeth..

Happy Thursday to my ANGELS.  The weekend is almost here..and it looks to be a pleasant one.  Just want to take a moment to wish a few of my friends the best.  They are going through some family crisis..and you guys are in my thoughts.  Love from the HALEYEAH man.  OK..on to today's blog...and its about some words going back and forth between THE VIEW'S..ELIZABETH HASSELBECK and ESPN'S/DANCING WITH THE STAR'S..ERIN ANDREWS.  So here is my question..

Does dressing provocatively at work invite sexual harassment?  Yes..accordingly to Elizabeth..and she is way the hell out of line..

As we all know..in 2008..ESPN's Erin Andrews..a young, attractive and fashionable sideline reporter, had her hotel room privacy violated. She was secretly videotaped, nude, through a door peephole..and the video was leaked all over the Web. Her stalker has since been sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison.

Fast forward through some time off, Andrews is back in the game as a finalist on Dancing With The Stars. Enter the public scrutiny.

On Tuesday’s The View, Elisabeth Hasselbeck took issue with one of Andrews’ costumes on the show. Too much cleavage. Maybe. But Hasselbeck took the point way too far.

Pointing at images of Andrews in various costumes on DWTS including a bikini top number and a Britney Spears-esque lace bustier, Hasselbeck said:
"In light of what happened and as a legal [matter]..and as inexcusable as it was for that horrific guy to go in and try to peep on her in her hotel room. "I mean, in some way if I'm him, I'm like, 'Man! I just could've waited 12 weeks and seen this--without the prison time!'"
Hold up..Hasselbeck. Known for her right wing politics and left-field comments, Hasselbeck wasn't simple tsk-tsking Andrews on her costume. She was, in fact, making light of stalking, even empathizing with the stalker's behavior and motivation.

Andrews shot back that the comments were:
“a slap in the face to victims of stalking and sexual predators. The thing that I was most upset about is I felt that she was mocking a situation. As a mother and a woman, I’m disappointed she went there.”
The tit-for-tat celebrity feud was quelled on the next VIEW show when Hasselbeck tearfully apologized on air, saying her “reckless words pierced someone’s heart like a sword.”

But to get to the root of the thing, Hasselbeck made a despicable move that many women have made in the girl-on-girl war crime: saying that because she looked like a tramp, she deserved to be treated like a tramp. This means of excusing inappropriate behavior with the “she asked for it” excuse is what perpetuates sexual harassment and abuse and even rape of women, from schoolyards to barrooms to the workplace.

Most Corp America offices make a lot of noise about What Not To Wear To Work. While most experts agree that sexy or suggestive or revealing attire is out-of-place and unprofessional, there are also experts who say the opposite. A little bit of sexy, they say, can make a woman feel powerful..and by feeling powerful they can accomplish more in the workplace.

I had a friend recently chastised by her manager for wearing a cardigan printed with a leopard pattern to the office. It was “suggestive,” her female manager said. It was “racy” and “inappropriate.” My friend was taken aback..it was a cardigan!

I was quick to remind her that the terms “appropriate” or even “sexy” are truly in the eye of the beholder. While she should probably avoid said sweater in the future, she most certainly wasn’t asking for trouble.  For some damn reason..I can't get her to wear the sweater for me.  Sorry..I digress.

Back to Hasselbeck..she is simply a piece of work.  I found the tearful apology online..and I'm not buying it.  I think she was "smacked on the hand" by her POWERS THAT BE..and was more sorry for herself..than the actual statements.  She's an absolutely idiot..who is riding the coat tails of the other ladies..and her former NFL hubby.  Lame..

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

To TAZE..or not to TAZE

Happy Hump Day to my ANGELS.  Its a warm, sunny day in the VILLE.  Hope all is ALIVE and KICKING.  And for my hispanic friends..HAPPY CINCO DE MAYO.   CERVEZA BABY!!!

This lastest blog takes me back to the "BOYS OF SUMMER"...the MLB.  Actually, its not about the players..its about the ignorance of one fan..and the scrutiny of a police official.  I bring you the story of the teenaged Philadelphia Phillies fan who jumped onto the field in front of a sold-out crowd during the eighth inning of the Phillies game against the Cardinals.


Philadelphia police officials have looked into the incident and decided that the police officer acted in an appropriate manner. I have no problem with the use of the taser in this situation being ruled a proper use of force. The department has rules and apparently this officer followed them. What I wonder is was the use of the taser smart. Looking at that video it appeared there were enough officers and other security personnel on the field that the kid wouldn't have been running for long before getting tackled, although he does hit that hole pretty quickly once he changes directions. Either way, it seems like leaving the taser holstered was the smarter move here. It made the situation worse for the kid, and I imagine that sitting in the upper decks it wasn't easy to tell that the kid had been shot by just a taser.

My favorite part of the story, though, is that before running on the field the kid called his dad to ask permission. Dad said it wasn't a good idea.

You know..after watching the video a second time..it is kind of comical.  This might be the first time that I've seen someone tased while running..and falling down like a sack of potatoes.  IT IS FUNNY.  I think the kid may have got more than he deserved..HOWEVER I would recommend IDIOTS who think about running onto a playing field..to take note of the electrifying experience of this DUDE..and high voltage ran through his running body.

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Nobody's Perfect..well maybe not.

OK, Ville. The rain is gone, and the weather is awesome, lots of sun. Hope you’re Monday has gone good. This next blog takes on something that I think we all strive or wish to be, yet haven’t quite figured out how. I started to do my RANDOM iTUNES songs for my page and the first one was NOBODY’S PERFECT by Mike and The Mechanics. THEN..I viewed some interesting info on the tube and internet that made me realize, maybe PERFECTION can be reality. You gotta love when the topic falls in your lap.

The perfect man, Human, to clarify.

To begin, this is a man who abides by the rules of the universe. One who knows truth, one who doesn’t question, doesn’t look for answers, and has all answers. Sounds much like a God and in essence the idea of a God to humans is one much like a human and I wonder why that is. All we know is what we’ve seen on Earth. Our race is shaped from it. We may think at times that we are perfect, but there is so much more to excellence. It is essentially infinite, limited only by our physical bounds. But this isn't something explored completely and people have a tendency to think they know the limit. They are skeptics though. We must be aware that our perception is limited, that reality isn't always what it seems.

The perfect human understands his reality. He has to and we should. All that we see as art, as aesthetic, is just applied excellence. People always have to train to be the best at something. No one is born excellent. Some are born closer to and have an easier time acquiring skill, but unless a person is physically limited, I believe most can be excellent. So, to think of perfection as something unnatural or Godly, would be to misperceive the reality of the matter.

What I’m trying to spell out is that there is a truth to the occurrence of all that happens outside of our perception, a debatable statement, but I'm taking a stance here. As one looks closer at any object, as one physically gets nearer to an object, one will notice that it only gets more and more complex. And to study, to make something a study means quite literally to analyze. And here I come back to aesthetics, which is the heart of what the perfect human is. And the aesthetic of a study would be trying to get as close to complete knowledge of a field as one can possibly get. The more time we spend studying anything, the closer we get, the more we know about and the better we are at understanding whatever it may be, basketball, the guitar, or even a rock on the ground. Of course we have limitations, we can't know everything there is to know, but I wish to leave this thought to a different conversation.

The perfect human is an aesthetic being, a being of excellence. But if man wants to become the perfect human, he can’t start there. Naturally he must build himself to that point. And to get better, means to increase one’s ability to perform an amount of work in a given amount of time. This is a physical interpretation, but informally, I’ll say that getting better is simply increasing the amount of knowledge one has for a field and utilizing it for an advantageous effect. To be a perfect human we’ll have to get better at things. And the closer one gets to an object or a field, the more information one can gather from it and then in turn utilize that information in some form. The closer a person gets to something, the better able they are to see it and react. I know I’m being redundant and I apologize, but it’s crucial that this point be solidified here.

There is a science to our relation with the world. How we learn, how we perceive is all connected to how well we interact with it all. Each of us has a life, our own life, our own little expanse in space. We own this territory, our bodies, like no other. And understanding this, we should respect ourselves as if we were a slave to ourselves, as if we weren’t our property. If respect is to mean anything, it must be directed at oneself before anything else. To get better, to be Perfect, we’ll have to work to get at what we truly are. This is essential before we can know how to interact with everything we will come across.

The perfect human therefore, will know how to deal with any situation. He will understand objects inside and out. He will nonetheless understand his existence, his birth, the duration of his life and his death. These are what make up existence. But the perfect human is also something that can be felt, I believe. I can talk of how to systematically define what perfect means, what a human is and how these terms can relate to one another, but to an extent, most people who’ve lived more than 20 years, know how to perceive.

I feel that if I were to see the perfect man or a man closer to perfection than any other, I would know him as such without having previously defined all the terms needed to know such a thing. I feel there are ways that the perfect man functions that would stand out because everything he would do would be perfect – controlled, refined, aesthetic. And I evoke this because I feel it is important to acknowledge the other side of our perception. It is a part of who we are naturally. And the perfect man would have aspects that are born of the natural world and not of the scientific world – that is not to set science and nature as opposites. The perfect human would be cool and elegant. The perfect human would know how to carry himself; he would know how to eat properly. He would know what to do and where to go. He would dress perfectly and he would speak perfectly. And each of these are debatable as far as perfection is concerned - what is the perfect way to dress? So to put it better, a perfect man or a more perfect man would know himself. He would have built his identity and so he would have considered how to do everything it is that he does and taken all to the highest level of aesthetic possible for him.

Getting anywhere, in a sense, is much like walking a path and when we walk a path we do so in a direction. If we can see the end of our path and that is the destination we wish to get to, then we have direction, we have a goal and we know how to accomplish it. If we cannot see anything at the end of the road, then we are lost. The difference here is that we aren't on a road, we are in a more complex situation here that we deem Life. And in life, we define our terms, we build our reality - largely. So we have the benefit here of having the ability to make perfection a goal and a destination.

The perfect human is a different being for us all. Our lives precede our perception. We are all built up from the ground - the ground being our birth. And as we encounter all the aspects of the world, we add definitions to our minds concerning everything - archetypes. That being the case, everyone's archetypes will naturally be different, to an extent, from every other human being and as such they will define the perfect man differently. But there are things I think we can all agree on as being good, as being the right thing to do. There are qualities to people that we find admirable and there is a reason for that. We have reasons for admiring traits in each other.

So, what, to you, is the perfect human being? Can we come to a conclusion about this? Will we have to define our morality first? Should we try to define a perfect man, a Jesus? Or is this something that as a society of individuals, we will never completely agree upon?

I know this blog is heavy on the mind.  It was for me.  Even after proofreading and revising a dozen times, I still have THOUGHTS on this top.  I'll leave it as it is for now.  I invite others to expand this thought.

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

THE POKE…hobby or sport?

Happy Sunday Angels. Its rainy and soggy here in the Ville. Hope everyone had a great Derby day. There is nothing like the Ville and it’s Derby Day. The town is absolutely nuts from mid-April to the first Saturday in May. Its all good.

So here I am on the soggy Sunday..flipping channels..and happen to come across another WORLD SERIES OF POKER (WSOP) show. What made me stay on the channel for a few more seconds..and I mean seconds..was the guy referring to poker as a sport. I thought..surely..he’s being comical. But then he said it again..and again. I was like..WTF?!?!?!?

Is POKER a sport or a hobby?

That’s a rhetorical question..nobody cares..really. Poker is a hobby..an overblown hobby. I have no interest in poker..or the countless WSOP shows that air every night..though it does make for a good night light as I fall in my dream world.

Poker IS NOT a sport. It’s a game of chance. Seriously..at the highest skill level..shouldn’t all the players basically have the concept down of how to play their cards??

To quote some famous words..
You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away and know when to run. You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table.  There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done.
You have to think that eventually the skilled players know how to do this..and there would be thousands of them that max out the thought process for playing. With that said..POKER is a HOBBY..a game of chance. The true sport is the way the dealer shuffles and distributes. JEEZ US..why am I even writing about this???

But wait..I found more meaningless info from the world of WSOP..

I found some nerds who decided to rank the 10 hottest female poker players. Topping the listicle is Layla Kayleigh..some woman who felt compelled to watch a little poker..get implants..and have men drool at her while raising the pot in Vegas. Her skill..reportedly..is adjusting her top. The remainder of the top 10 is entirely fraudulent ..some actresses..Cindy Margolis..and Anna Benson.  Don't know or care who Anna is..but I know about Cindy.  Oh yeah..

Keep in mind..this blog is an opinion..like A-HOLES.  Its not my thing.  However..I do realize the popularity of this HOBBY.  It is what it is..and its simply not me.  For me..no POKER..or POKE HIM..or POKE THEM.  Well..maybe POKE HER.  Sorry..I digress.  This afternoon can’t bleed into the evening quickly enough..

Peace out my HALEYUNNS!